Vinculum Release Notes

Version 9.3.150

6th Feb, 2024

Vin eRetail:

Order Management: 

Change Requests/ Enhancements/ Improvements:

  • Easy alteration of OMS Rule sequence:       

    1. To simplify the process of modifying the sequence of OMS rules, the sequence number box has been upgraded to an editable text box. Users can now enter the desired sequence number for the OMS rules, and upon pressing enter, the rule sequence will be updated accordingly.

    2. The above change is applicable to all the OMS rules like Order Validation, Order Routing/ Split, Seller Panel Orders, Order Routing and Allocation Rules.

    3. Non-functional rules like Notification rule has been removed.

Navigation: Vin e-Retail > Sales > OMS Rules


  • Enhancement in Store Group:       

    1. While creating a store group, users can now select a parent store for that group. Parent store can be any active store, warehouse or franchise location.Selecting parent store to a store group is optional.

    2. Two additional filters, namely Parent Store and Status, have been incorporated into the Store Group inquiry screen to enhance user convenience in easily sorting and filtering the data.

    3. In the location fetch API, users can retrieve the list of child locations linked to a parent store. Please refer the API section for more details (API Details)

Navigation: Vin eRetail> Master > Organization Management > Manage Store Group.

  • Enhancement in Order Address Updation:       

    1. The Address tab in orders now includes a new feature called "Copy To Billing Address." This allows users to easily update the shipping address for orders, either exclusively for shipping or for both shipping and billing.

    2. By default it will be shipping only and if the user selects the “Copy To Billing Address” then it will update the other shipping address to shipping as well billing.

Navigation: Vin eRetail> Sales > Order Create/ Edit

  • Attachment provision on the returns screen:    

  1.  A new tab “Attachment” is added to the Return Create/ edit screen which has the provision to attach the documents against the respective returns.

  2. The users can also save and delete the attachments based on the user rights.

Navigation: Vin eRetail>Returns and Transfers>Returns>Return Enquiry>Return create/edit

  • Addition of fields in the Sales report:      

 The following fields are added to the Sales report (Order and Detail Wise)-

  1. Shipping Cost Tax - it shows the tax on the Shipping cost

  2.  Handling Cost - it shows the handling cost

  3.  Handling Cost Tax  - it shows the tax on handling cost

  4.  Other Cost - it shows the other cost value

  5.  Other Cost Tax - it shows the tax on the other cost

                     Navigation: Vin eRetail>Reports>Sales>Sales Report (Order Wise or Detail Wise)

  • Synchronization of SKU-channel inventory based on percentage:         

  1. Sellers can now customize the inventory synchronization for a product by specifying the percentage allocated for each marketplace; for instance, 10% on Flipkart, 20% on Amazon, 20% on Myntra, and the remaining percentage on other marketplaces or channels.

(For more details please get in touch with the respective account manager)

  • Changes on the Order Allocation screen:        

  1. The Order Allocation Module is renamed to ‘Order Allocate/ Unallocate’.

  2. Status dropdown is enhanced to a multi-selection dropdown for the ease of users to filter out the records.

  3. The Order Date field is optimized to show last 30 days data by default.

  4. An export option is also added to the screen which extracts the data available on the Order Allocate/ Unallocate screen.

Navigation: Vin eRetail>WMS>Order Processing>Order Allocate/ Unallocate

Key Bug Fixes:

  • Missing Tracking Details in Dispatch Report (Detail & summary):       

    1. If a user is generating a B2B manifest for shipments and uses an online transporter to retrieve tracking numbers, there was an issue where the tracking number was not populating in the dispatch report (both detail and summary). This issue has been resolved, and now users can view the tracking number in the report.

Navigation: Vin eRetail> Reports > Dispatch Report

  • Missing Credit Note No. for “Reverse Pickup delivered” Returns:       

    1. Previously if the status of any return was “Reverse Pickup  Delivered” and the user tries to close the return then upon return closure the credit note no. was not getting generated for those returns. This has been fixed now and credit note no. is getting generated for those returns as well.

Navigation: Vin eRetail> Returns > Return Create/ Edit

Warehouse Management:

Change Requests/ Enhancements/ Improvements:

  • SKU level UDFs at Inbound:         

    1. Users can input values into line level User Defined Fields (UDFs) during inbound.

    2. This could be done via screen, import or API.

      Navigation: Vin eRetail>WMS>Inbound>Inbound Enquiry

  • Confirm Inbound from Android App:           

    1. The users may now confirm an inbound from the app if they have the appropriate access.

    2. With this, the complete inbound cycle from inbound to QC to putaway can be completed from the Android app.

    3. Any additional information configured to be made mandatory, like attachments, Invoice details, etc., would need to be inputted from the Web.

Navigation: Vin eRetail App>Receiving>Inbound

  • Edit Additional Charges of a PO:           

    1. The users can update the additional charges applied on a PO from the purchase charge master. This is access-controlled.

    2. Additionally, the latest charges from purchase orders can now be copied to the purchase charge master and updated via configuration, which helps to reduce the need to update the charges each time. This will save time and effort for users.

Navigation: Vin eRetail>Procurement>PO Enquiry

  • Option to upload Multi Images in Inbound QC screen:            

    1. The users can upload multiple images against a rejection during QC.

    2. This will allow for ease of record keeping for SPF claims, claims from suppliers etc.

    3. Earlier multiple images were only allowed if captured in realtime with a camera.

Navigation: Vin eRetail>Inbound>Inbound QC

  • Inbound QC report:                  

    1. A new standard report has been introduced for consolidated reporting of Inbound QC.

    2. The report may be extracted on a date range of when the QC was performed or Inbound numbers.

Navigation: Vin eRetail>Reports>Inbound>Inbound QC

Key Bug Fixes:

  • Credit note number not updated when performing inbound using the Inbound Realtime screen:

    1. Users using the Inbound Realtime Screen to perform inbound returns were unable to generate the credit note number as set up in settings. This has been corrected.

Seller Panel:

Change Requests/ Enhancements/ Improvements:

  • Item/ Order level SLA over Archive Orders:      

    1. The marketplace now has the ability to determine whether sellers should fulfill orders based on the SLA at the item level or the order level.

  1. Sellers now have visibility into the 'Ship By Date' on the Archive Order screen, determined by the ship-by date received at either the item level or the order level.

  2. Depending on the configuration, the ship by date on the exports will populate.

Navigation: Vin Supplier > Manage Orders > Archive Order List

  • Addition of columns to the Active Orders Export:     

  1. A new field ‘Order Amount’ is added to the export on the Confirmed and Ready for ship tab.

  2. The following additional fields are also added to the export of the Shipped tab in Active Orders:

- Seller SKU code

- SKU name

- SKU Quantity

- Available Qty

- Size

- Color

- Order Amount

- Unit Price

- Tax Amount

- Line Amount

- Invoice Quantity

- Invoice date

- Invoice Amount

- Invoice Tax

- Buyer Address

Navigation: Vin Supplier > Manage Orders >Active order>Shipped tab

Vin FBS (Fulfilled by Store):

Change Requests/ Enhancements/ Improvements:

  • Provision to update POS invoice number:

    1. Users can update the POS invoice number against the line items for their orders.


  • Scan based picking:

  1. Users have the option to either perform picking by scanning the SKUs or manually entering the SKU code.


Vin Lister:

Change Requests/ Enhancements/ Improvements:

  •     Product Enrichment display by Percentage:   

  1. User will be able to identify Product enrichment % and get required attributes which are still missing or pending for enrichments so that User can achieve Sku listing with minimal errors 

  2. Users can see % on Product screen as per marketplace and can take a export as per marketplace with help of filter on Product screen. 

  3. % is being calculated every time SKU is updated via Product import file / API based 

In the below screenshot, we can see that for flipkart products created are 82% enriched. Users will easily understand that all the required attribute value for Flipkart is not added for this product. Once all the required attribute values will be added enrichment will show 100%.

  • Lister text field mapped to Marketplace Dropdown field:  

  1. Attribute conversion from Text to Dropdown field is provided so user can provide value in text field and it will be mapped to the dropdown value of Marketplace. 

A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated

  • Standard Channel Price API  (Json): 

A new Standard Price API is provided and User can provide below items in Via API from External system, 

a. Start and End Date for Price ( Optional Field added for Campaign) 

b. Error Handling is provided for all types of failure to Provide Mandatory attributes 

c. Channel Price as per Marketplace can be provided in API 

  • Generating Product Export with or without Images:    

User will be able to take a product export for already existing original data  sku export as per shared method,

a. Without Images 

b. With Original Images ( Client Image URL ) 

c. Core AWS Link ( Hosted by VinLister ) 

d. with marketplace format transformed image Link 

A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated

  • Maintaining watermark at category level for same brand and channel:  

  1. User can  keep watermark at category level for same brand and channel.

A gold bar necklace with a diamond 
Description automatically generated

  • Size Sequencing:    

  1. Users will be able to sort SKUs based on Size before sending to Marketplace.

  2. This feature is configuration based.

  • Folder & Image Name based on configuration - In Zipped Export: 

  1. While taking Zipped output of Images, the Folder & Image Name can now be configured on the basis of any attribute

Key Bug Fixes:

  • Group Export Profile were not visible in dropdown of Product by Export profile:

  1. While filtering products by group export profile, dropdown should show all available group export profiles.

  2. Earlier it was visible , now , the issue has been resolved and users can select the group export profile from the dropdown and generate the export.

A screenshot of a computer

  • Multiplication & Division not Working in Formula Attribute in Export Profile:  

  1. This issue was Specific to Dedicated environment and it's fixed now. 

  • SKU not Visible in Transmit Enquiry:     

  1. SKUs made on Lister from API and assigned to Retail weren't coming to Transmit Enquiry or coming late has been fixed now for all Users . 

Standard APIs:

Change Requests/ Enhancements/ Improvements:

  • Enhancement in Store Group:     

    1. A new request parameter has been added in the request of the location fetch API labeled as “fetchChildLocation” and its possible values will be Yes/ No. 

  1. If the user passes its values as “Yes”, then the response of the location fetch API will show the list of Child Locations and if the value is passed as “No”, blank or null then the child locations list won't be provided in the response.

API touchpoint:  


Request JSON

Response JSON

  • Addition of Order Tags in Order Pull and Order Status API:   

  1. A new parameter ‘Order_tags’ is added to the header level in the response of Order pull and Order status APIs.

API Touchpoint:



Response JSON

  • Changes in Vendor Create API:       

  1. Three new optional parameters are added to the request of Vendor Create API:

  • invoiceNoBy: users can decide if the invoice no. is to be generated by the vendor or by the marketplace.

  • allowHopping: users can decide if the hopping is allowed for a vendor or not.

  • sla: users can pass the vendor’s sla in hours format

API Touchpoint:


Request JSON

  • Addition of Reason to Inventory Movement History API:

a. A new parameter ‘reason’ is added to the SKU level information in the response of Inventory Movement History API.

Key Bug Fixes:

  • Customer creation with duplicate phone no. and email:      

    1. Users can now create customers with duplicate phone no. and email id using the customer create API, previously it was restricted.

API touchpoint:  



Transporter Integrations:

Change Requests/ Enhancements/ Improvements:

  • Citylink Express:

Region: SEA

  1. Vinculum is now integrated with the Citylink Express for below actions on shipments:

- Forward AWB generation

- Generate pickup. 

- Tracking.

- Cancellation.

Financial/ E-Filling Systems Integrations :

Change Requests/ Enhancements/ Improvements:

  • Clear - E-invoice integration for Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia:     

    1. e-Retail is now integrated with Clear for e-invoicing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    2. Any brand/ seller operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can automate the e-invoice generation process between e-Retail and Zatca using Clear.

    3. Below touchpoints are integrated between Vinculum and Clear to generate e-invoice from Zatca:

- Tax invoice (B2B/ B2C/ Export)

- Credit Note (B2B/ B2C/ Export)

- Auto e-invoice email

- E-invoice PDF

d. Applicable for Sales orders and Sales returns.