
About Put-Away

Put-Away is a process of moving items from a received s

hipment to the right places in a warehouse. Put-Away decisions are taken basis on various factors like warehouse size, quantity of items being received, physical weight, storage conditions, or the type of the material present in the warehouse. It can be done manually by the user at the time of receiving shipment (typically in small warehouses) OR the user can pre-defined Puta way rules in eRetail. A key benefit of using Put-Away rule is easy access to goods and organized inventory.

In this document we will explain to create a Put-Away in the system, especially system suggested Put-Away.

Navigation- WMS >> Miscellaneous >> Put-Away Enquiry.



Below is the snapshot of the Put-Away enquiry screen:

In order to create new Put-Away, click ADD New


 First step is to select Put-Away Type

Select 1 option visible in this drop down, select 1 option in order to create new Put-Away.

Lets have an example of Inbound realtime,when Selected Inbound RealTime get selected, below mention window will appear





Put-Away Type

Select option from the drop down in order to create Put-Away. Here the option Select Realtime Inbound is selected

Inbound No.

In Inbound No. put inbound no. for which Put-Away needs to be done

QC Status

QC status will tells you weather the QC of the selected inbound has been done or not


Any remark if user want to add can add from here



Put-Away Mode

User Defined Put-Away

In user defined Put-Away, user will select in which Bin, user want to add the particular inventory or SKU inside the WH

System Suggested Put-Away

In system suggested Put-Away, system will suggest you the BIN while allocation of inventory inside the bin


After filling the relevant details, click on generate Put-Away

Below mention window will appear

Select scan SKU if scanning needs to be done through SKU and mention SKU code

As soon as you put SKU code in system suggested Put-Away, system will suggest you a BIN 

 Click on the Apply Button

Note- The suggested Bin will be based on steps and priorities defined under Put-Away Rule.


This button is used to select whether user wants to scan SKUs in bulk or they want it to be scan as each

Click on either of the option and save setting.

There is 1 more dropdown option available in this window, when you click on this, below mention tabs will appear

Here 1 more thing that needs to check



Put-Away Qty

Put-Away qty is basically how much qty needs to be moved

Qty for Put-Away

What is qty is avaible for Put-Away

Put-Away Qty same as Qty For Put-Away

If user want to copy both of these qty, they can mark this as enabled

To Bin

If user want to do inbound of all quantities and all sku in a single bin, then this tab can be used to put a bin


After all these setup, click on the confirm tab


Your System Suggested Put-Away will get created in the system with relevant information like Put-Away No., Status etc.


User can also search for Put-Away in Put-Away enquiry screen