Customer Return

Customer Return enables user to manage sales order returns. This module supports two types returns: Delivered returns and Non-delivered returns efficiently.
 Return enquiry screen enables one to view sales order returns from various channels in a single screen.

Navigation- Returns & Transfers >> Return Enquiry

Return Enquiry screens display all the sales order return requests in a single screen. The search results can be narrowed using different search fields available in the screen and user may further narrow down the search results using the “Advance Search” option.


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Return No.

Return No obtained after creating the Return in the system

External Order No.

Any External Order No. received upon Inbound from marketplaces to webshops

Order No.

Order No. saved in the System

Order Type

Prepaid or COD

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Order Channel

It is the combination of Channel Code and Channel name saved in the system

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The standard status options are: Cancelled, Closed, Confirmed. Other Statuses can be configured in the system.

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Return Type

Type of Return

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Return Category

Return category – Refund/Replacement

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Return Date

During search user may narrow the search by setting Return Date to Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This Month, Last Month and it can be set to custom range. If you set the custom date range, user needs to press Apply action button.

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Created User

User will be able to filter records based on created user.

Confirmed Date

During search user may narrow the search by setting Confirm Date to Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This Month, Last Month and it can be set to custom range. If you set the custom date range, user needs to press Apply action button.

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Return Close Date

During search user may narrow the search by setting Return Close Date to Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This Month, Last Month and it can be set to custom range. If you set the custom date range, user needs to press Apply action button.


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Delivery No.

User may narrow the search results for a specific delivery number using this option.

External Invoice No.

External Invoice number received from Marketplace and webshops

Order date, Amount, Reverse Tracking No. and Transporter Name

These fields are an indicative field in the screen.


Delivery Type

User may choose following delivery types: Delivery, No Pick Up, Pick up from the dropdown to narrow down search results.

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External Return No

External Return no. is the number provided by Marketplaces.

External Return Status

External Return status is the status provided by the Marketplaces.

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Action Buttons


Action Items


Here user can search the details that are synced from MPs or have manually created in the system


Reset tab could be used to reset the results.

Advance Search

Advance search tab user can use to fetch the results on the basis of various filters like SKU Code, Tracking number etc.

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User can take the export of results in an excel template through this option

Detail Export

Detail export tab can be used to fetch information in detail against the returns order appears on Return enquiry screens


If any any user is creating returns manually in the system and wants to create return in bulk then in that case, import option could be used, select template order import

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In order to create new return from Screen, user can click to option ADD NEW.


For creating new return, user can click on ADD NEW, below mention window will get opened.

Note: We need to input “Order No./External Order No.” to proceed with the Customer return.

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Request Type

Here user can select either of the option for creating customer return 

  1. Request- If user selects option request the return will get created with status Confirmed that means details of return is fetched in the system, return inbound is yet to happened. (MP and webshop returns are fetched with this category).
  2. Request & Inbound- If user selects option request the return will get created with status Closed that means details of return and return inbound is captured in the system. 

Extern Order No.

Here user can mention order number against which return needs to get created.


Once the order is selected, below screen will get open

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Maintain Return Qty here,



Delivery Location

Delivery location will get set by default here. 

Return Type

User can select whether return order is delivered return or RTO (Non delivered return)

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Category of return will get visible here whether it is refund or replacement.

Delivery Type

Here user can select delivery type as Pickup, No pickup or delivered.

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Reverse AWB No.

The reverse AWB no. will get generated once the delivered return will get marked as Confirmed in the system

Ext Reference No.

If user wants, they can mention any reference number against this return that is been created


User can add here any remark against the return here


Here user can mention the reason for the return order creation

Ext Return No.

Here external return number will get visible, which system will sync from Marketplace.

Ext Invoice No.

Here external invoice number which system sync from MP, will get reflect here.

Reset Return Qty

If this check box is enabled, user can able to reset the return qty.

Ext Return Status

Here system will sync return status from MP 


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After filling in all the relevant details, Click on Save and confirm, the return will be created and the status will be visible as per the return type selected in the initial stage.

The status of the return will change to Closed once the inbound process is completed against it. The user can access the corresponding inbound(s) associated with the return by clicking on the Inbound tab, which is displayed on the Return Create/ Edit screen once an inbound is initiated.


Return Inbound

Return Inbound is an activity is performed for in-warding the goods coming as a return product coming from the marketplaces or web shops.

The return Inbound tab is used for the returns that have with status Confirmed.

 Navigation- WMS >> Inbound >> Return Inbound create/edit.

Below mentioned screen will be appeared:

Section 1 – Return Inbound Create/Edit

  • Select Customer Return number/Order No. from the window.

  • Upon selection of the Customer Ret No, a message for creation of Inbound picklist/Creation of New Inbound is generated.


Step 1: If the return is received and inbound is done already. 

  • We will be clicking “OK” on Manage Picking screen, the Return create/edit window will get opened.

User can generate a label or putaway post this screen.

Step 2: If the Return is received and Inbound is pending. We will click on “Create Inbound” and Return Inbound create/edit screen will be opened.



Customer Return No.

Here customer return no. will get visible here.  

Transporter Code

Here transporter details who brought return goods to WH, will get visible here. 

Tracking No.

Tracking no. of transporter will be visible here.


Any remark or comments that have been mentioned while creating return will get visible here

Vehicle No.

Here vehicle no. transporter will be visible

Gross Weight

Defines weight of stock received as return

No. Of Boxes

Number of boxes could be mentioned here

Material Receive Date

Material received date or inbounding date will get visible here.


Defines status of return inbound whether pending confirmed or confirmed

External Reference No.

Defines reference no. mentioned while creating return

Inbound Location

Reflects WH details from where the material is received


  • Once the details are defined, set the return qty and Bin location.
  • Click on “Save” and mark inbound as Confirmed.

  • The inbound will get created in the system.


Section 2 – Inbound RTO (bulk)

To create Inbound RTO, this tab is used.

  • Select Inbound RTO Bulk.

  • Provide RTO Batch ID, the lines will get added below.


  • Once you select a RTO Batch ID the line will get added. 

  • User can select multiple rows. In last, Click on Closed tab

  • The RTOs in bulk will get created.

  • User can export the records also.

Section-III Inbound Del Ret (Bulk)

  • Select Inbound Del Ret (Bulk). 

  • Fill all the relevant details OR

  • Select Batch ID and click on OK.


  • It will get added as a line.

  • Click on “Close Batch.”

  • User can click on export to get the details of Return on Excel sheet.