Inbound Real-Time Screen at eRetail

Inbound in eRretail can be done using Inbound Real-Time screen. 

Navigation: WMS>Inbound>Inbound RealTime

  • In this screen, Inbound can be created or edited as per the Inbound type manually or can be imported by downloading the Import template and importing the details.

e.g., Upon selecting the Inbound type, the next field will appear wherein has to select the document (as saved in eRetail) against which Inbound is getting created.

  • Import template will ask for the below details:

* Yellow ones are mandatory details to fill in the template. Green ones are required in case of lottable validation is checked by the user in WMS.


Business Use cases:

The eRetail system cater to various business solutions at the time of Inbound.

  • IMEI – IMEI is the unique tracking no provided by manufacturer in case of primarily electronics item. When user wants to maintain IMEI enabled inventory. User needs to ensure enabling ‘Serial tracking’ in the “Other details of SKU create/edit” screen in “Masters” section.

While scanning each piece of SKU during the inbound, the system will ask for IMEI.


  • Batch/Expiry/Multi-MRP – when user wants to maintain shelf life for SKU. User needs to ensure below points:
    • Creating “Lottable validation” as per the details, e.g. If user wants to capture expiry date, then “Lottable validation for Expiry” is mandatory. The same can be created by using lottable validation code from the backend.
    • Selecting the required “Lottable validation” against the SKU during SKU create/edit screen in “Masters section.” 

While scanning the SKUs during inbound, the eRetail system/app would ask for necessary details as per the “Lottable validation” option selected by the user. E.g. if expiry date enabled, then system would capture expiry date during inbound. As per the data entered in the system, the system would create a unique lot number.

  • PO vs Vendor Invoice: In case the PO raised price is different from the vendor invoice due to change in market dynamics (especially in case of FMCG, Pharma, fresh stock etc.), the PO pricing must be defined basis on formula rather than a fixed percentage. To capture this change in price:
    • User can update the same in ‘Manage Vendor Invoice’ module and capture Vendor price, Tax, and other Vendor Invoice related details that can be later synced with the financial system
    • Actual Landed Cost: The cost can be edited at line level to show Actual landed cost.

                  Actual Landed = Line amount + additional charges

    • In other cases, Vendor Invoice may not come to the WH and is directly sent to Head office for finance team to do settlement with vendor


  • System Suggested Put away: When user decides to keep certain SKUs in particular bin always then putaway rules can be created for mapping SKUs to their storage bins. After this,
    • Once any inbound is done against the SKU, user needs to do putaway using method as ’System Suggested Putaway’ and
    • When user clicks on “Generate Putaway” using this method, system would show a suggested bin as per the rule created 


  • SKU Barcode: Barcodes provide a method to track and store information about goods, from individual items to large stocks of thousands or even millions of items. Barcodes are created when user does inbound of the inventory in the warehouse.

When user wants to maintain barcoding system using certain lottables, our system can

    • design barcode formats as per their requirements and
    • generate barcodes from the inbound screen or SKU label print screen against SKUs or inbounds.


  • Item level barcode/USN –If user wants to track each piece of SKU (other than IMEI), then the user needs to maintain Unique Serial No (USN) against each piece. In case user wants to track inventory of each piece of SKU then:
    • USN is enabled while creating SKU edit/create screen
    • System would generate a Unique no against each piece during inbound
    • USN is system generated rather any manufacturer suggested.


  • Multiple Inbound against one Purchase Order – If user requires to inbound multiple times against one purchase order, he can do so. In such scenario the Inbound status reamins "Partially received."
  • Warehouse APP: With the warehouse app, the user can do real time receiving and putaway in WMS.
  • LPN / Unit: In eRetail, user can track the inbound using LPN or the SKU.
  • Currency conversion: If the vendor currency and base currency is different, then the conversion rates between vendor currency and base currency needs to be maintained in “Other Masters.” At the time of PO creation / Direct inbound, the unit cost would be converted into base currency if Setting is Turned ON.