Inbound Against PO
Navigation: WMS/Inbound/Inbound RealTime
In this screen, Inbound can be created or edited as per the Inbound type manually or can be imported by downloading the Import template and importing the details.
In this document, we will show you how a user can view/edit/process inbound with PO.
Pre-requisites to Inbound Type as PO
- For initiating PO, below conditions should be met:
- PO should be of the same warehouse location
- PO should be with status “Released” or “Partially received.” We cannot create inbound with PO status as “Closed” or “Short Closed”
Where to search/enter the PO details on Inbound screen?
- [JJV1] Select the PO# from the PO picklist shown.
How will I process a PO for which a previous inbound exists?
- Upon selecting the PO#, the system will show whether the inbound against this PO exists and will ask if you want to create a new Inbound.
- In case the inbound was done earlier, the status of the PO will be in “Partial received” status, and the PO picklist will show the previous inbound details on the screen. It will give user two options, i.e.:
- either to proceed with previous inbound by clicking “OK” if the previous inbound was not confirmedOR
- to create a new inbound.
*User can also close the screen to get back to the Inbound create/edit screen.
- In case, user proceeds with the previous inbound number, he gets an opportunity to view and
edit the previous inbound details.
- If the user selects, “Create New Inbound,” then a new Inbound screen will be opened.
How to create a new Inbound?
- A new inbound can be created by clicking on “Add New” button on Inbound create/edit screen OR
- User can also select the PO# for which he wants to create a “New Inbound”.
- After clicking on selected PO#, the below screen will be opened.
- User can provide below details on Inbound create/edit screen, but it is not mandatory unless the user has checked the button on “Receipt Validation” screen for “Header Level invoice.” Info.
- In case this checkbox is clicked, Invoice No., Date, Tax and Invoice amount details become mandatory to fill.
- Below is the description for the fields on Inbound create/edit screen:
Fields | Description |
Transport Code | The Transport code generated by the system at the time of integrating the logistic partner to the eRetail |
Invoice No. | Invoice No. mentioned on the invoice document |
Invoice Date | The date of invoice mentioned on the invoice document. |
Invoice Tax | Tax amount mentioned on the invoice document. |
Invoice Amount | Invoice amount mentioned on the invoice document. In case the receipt validation check is applicable, the system will not allow the variation of the amount beyond the entered limit. E.g. if the variation amount is selected as Rs 10 and the cost of the SKU is Rs100 then the system will accept the details between Rs 90-110 only. |
Gross weight | Weight of the SKU |
TCS | Tax collected at source details |
Other charges 2 | Any other charges if shown on the invoice |
Discount | The discount % or amount shown on the invoice |
More | Click on More to enter further details about the delivery. |
No. of boxes | The count of boxes getting inbound |
Material Rec Date | The received date of the material |
Challan No. | The delivery challan no. |
Challan Date | The delivery challan date |
Ext Inbound No. | Any other External Inbound number. |
Eway Bill | If the transaction is done online |
Scan SKU | Click on Scan SKU and enter the below details |
Scanning Mode | Each piece scan or bulk scan. Select any one of the radio button. |
Bin Location | Enter the location of the Bin for putaway. |
LPN | License Plate No. assigned to the boxes |
SKU Code | The SKU code generated by the system upon saving the SKU Master details in the eRetail system. Upon entering the SKU code, the description and image fields will get updated as saved in SKU masters. |
UOM Code | The details of the UOM entered in the SKU masters. |
EA Qty | The count of the SKU getting scanned. |
- Scan the SKUs and click “Add.” The SKU will be added in the table.
- User can also provide details of the Inbound in User defined fields or UDFs.
- User can also attach documentation under “Attached Document” section.
- User can also import the inbound details by importing the template in case the SKU details are higher in number.
- Click on “Save Invoice” to save the details of the invoice.
- Click on “Confirm” and the system will ask the user if he wants to confirm this inbound or not. If yes, a new Inbound# will be generated. If user selects cancel, then it will take you back to the inbound details.
- The status of the PO will be changed from “Released” to “Partially Received” in the PO picklist.
- The status of Inbound# will be changed from “GRN in process” to “Confirmed.”
What are the different actions User can perform while doing inbound?
- User can perform different functions at the time of inbound which are as mentioned below:
- Post confirmation of the inbound, the user can Print the GRN details by clicking the “Print GRN” action button. This button will generate PDF showing the details of the inbound.
- User can also generate SKU/Barcode labels by clicking on “Generate Labels” action button at the time of inbound OR post the confirmation of the inbound.
- Upon selecting “Generate labels” option, it will take the user to WMS>setup>SKU Label Print
- User can also initiate a Putaway task upon receiving the SKU at the time of creating inbound. OR he can also “Generate Putaway” post the inbound no. confirmation.
- Upon selecting “Generate Putaway” action button, the system will confirm if the user wants to generate putaway for this inbound or not and then take the user to the Putaway screen to create a putaway task.
- Once clicked “OK,” the system will take you to WMS>Putaway screen for selected inbound.
- User can also “Reverse GR” by clicking on the action button.
- Upon selecting “Reverse GR,” the system will ask to select the SKU for which the GRN needs to be cancelled.
- After clicking OK, the Inbound details will get cancelled and user can create a fresh inbound against the PO or continue with the GRN for the rest of the SKUs in the inbound.
- In case, the user has confirmed the Inbound number then, it will reverse the GRN by cancelling that inbound number as shown below:
And the previous inbound details will be updated as “Cancelled”
- Upon selecting “edit invoice,” the user can update the invoice details.
- The user can update the Invoice amount at the header level and can click on “save Invoice” button.
- User can update the cost of the SKU at the time of inbound. (The amount should fall between the acceptable range as per the “Invoice Amount Validation” details in “Receipt Validation screen.”
- Upon selecting “updating cost” option, below window will appear which will show the unit cost of SKU
- In case there are no details updated in “Receipt Validation,” user can update the cost outside the range too.
- The same details are also updated at the PO line level.
- Once the Inbound is created, backorder processing can also be initiated from Inbound screen.
* Backorders are the orders against virtual inventory. PO is raised post the order is received.
- Upon selecting “Show Back orders” action button, the system will show you all the existing backorders against that SKU.
- User can select these backorders and generate picklist.
How to close/copy/email existing PO details?
If the user enters the PO# directly from the top search button, it will take the user to the Purchase Order screen wherein user can perform below 3 functions:
- Click on the dropdown box to close the existing PO and it will ask for confirmation for selecting the lines that the user wants to close.
Upon cancelling, it will show all the line level details of the PO for user to enter the qty that he wants to close along with the reason. (The reasons are configurable and user inputs are required to set them from the backend)
- Email the PO to the vendor(s)
- The user can copy the PO for inbounding the SKUs.
- For this, user needs to select the Delivery location for which the PO is getting created
- It will copy all the previous details and create a new PO.
- User can then Add/remove SKUs and update the PO qty, unit cost, discount details and Delivery Date as per the requirement
- Confirm the details and the new PO will get created.
What will happen if we try to enter the invoice amount higher than the “Variance Allowed” details at the receipt validation screen?
- At the time of Inbound/saving Invoice, if the user enters the invoice amount higher than the “Variance Allowed” details then the system will ask you for your confirmation.
- It will then allow the user to inbound the SKU at a higher price.
[JJV1]Sub heading is search on Inbound screen. This is not an option linked to inbound