Manage Inbound Gate Pass

What is Gate Pass?

Inbound Gatepass is an electronic or a paper document proof containing the detail of items, transporter name, vehicle number, number of parcels etc. while inbounding these items into the warehouse. We also capture the type of Inbound in gate pass e.g. return, ASN, PO, STO

Navigation- WMS >> Inbound >> Manage Inbound Gate Pass


When we click on ADD NEW, Below mention window will get open:

Action Button


Site Location

Here site location or WH details will be visible

IGP Code

 Inbound Gate Pass code generated by the system

IGP Date

It will have current date/ create date

Material Description

Material description will the details of the product whose gatepass is being created

Inward type

User can select inward type, whether its being create against ASN, PO, RETURN and STOCK TRANSFER.

No of Parcels

Its mandatory field , where user can mention the number of parcels

Item Count

Here user can mention item count against gatepass created


Here transporter can be mentioned

Vehicle Type

Here vehicle type can be mentioned by user

Tracking No.

Here tracking no. of transporter will be visible

Reference No.

If user wants to add any reference number, can add from here. 

Vehicle No.

Vehicle number will get visible here.


If user wants to add remark, can mention here.


It will have the status of the IGP


If the IGP is closed, it will reflect the Closed Date


After filling up the details, user can click on Save

Similarly, they can take print out of the document or can Reset the details.