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About Maccaron


Maccaron is beauty e-Commerce launched in May 2019, providing beauty products including best of Korean cosmetic products directly from Korea with value for money price from top global beauty brands. Maccaron aim to deliver best skincare solutions in India and strive to bring the top brands from across the globe. Maccaron is a Global beauty destination striving to make the best of Korean

skincare products available at doorstep.


Integration Highlights


Vin-eRetail is integrated with Maccaron for Products Sync,

Inventory Sync and Order Fulfilment. In this integration, Vin E-retail support below features:

1. SKU Pull (Moderation Mode)

2. Order Pull and Create

3. Order Shipment

4. Inventory Push

5. Inventory Reconciliation 


In this document, we will cover how the SKU Sync and Order Sync and Order processing works in eRetail. Also, we will explain how Maccaron can be configured in eRetail.




Integration Process flow



Mandatory Credentials

Below mentioned credentials are mandatory and required to configure Maccaron with vin eRetail

  1. Username
  2. Password


Steps for Channel Configuration

  1. Once User ID and password are gathered, open your vin e-retail instance (ERP), go to Sales>Manage Channels.

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  1. User can either search for the saved channel OR can add a new channel from “Add New” icon on the top right side. 



  1. All the channels are provided on the screen. User can scroll down to select the existing channel OR click on “Add new” to add a new channel.


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  1. Select “Maccaron” and fill in all the details like Channel Name, order Source WH, Order Sync from date, Return Sync from Date, SKU Pull from Date, Inventory Sync Method, Enable Inventory Reconciliation, etc.,


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  1. Click on “Configure Interface” and provide Username and Password of the Maccaron seller panel. Click OK.

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  1. Save the details of “Channel Maintenance.” Below details are mandatory:
    1. Channel Name
    2. Order fulfilment Warehouse
    3. Channel SLA
    4. Order Sync and Order Sync from date OR order number
    5.  Bill to Party & its Master

A new channel is created with channel code


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Channel Maintenance Screen


Channel Maintenance set up helps the seller to reduce manual intervention and avoid the multiple usage of marketplace seller portal. With the selection of below options at Channel Maintenance window (Sales>Manage Channels>Add New>Select Channel) get the advantage of using multiple features of Vin eretail:

S. No.


Where to Click

Dropbox/Checkbox option



SKU Pull

Channel SKU>SKU Sync>Pull


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SKU Sync: SKU Sync between Channel and e-Retail can be done via PULL or PUSH.

User should choose “Pull” from SKU Sync dropdown and select the “SKU create mode” as “Moderate”



Order Pull/Order Pack/Invoice/Order Shipment/Shipping label generation

Channel Maintenance>Orders>Order Sync>Yes/No

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Order Pull: User must choose to sync the order from the channel to eRetail by managing this option. If this is disabled, the Order pull will not happen also the shipping label/Invoice and manifest will not get generated. Select “Yes” to enable order pull. Post that, user can select the date/order number from which the Order sync should be enabled.


Prefetch Shipment Label 

Channel Maintenance<Orders<Prepack Enabled checkbox

Prepack Enabled: User can enable prepack for the order from here.

To avoid delay in Order processing and Shipment fulfilled with in a provided SLA, we have a feature to pull the shipment Label and Invoice at the same time of picklist generation instead of during Pack Call. To use this functionality, we just need to enable Prepack checkbox available under Channel Configuration set up screen and user need to click on Prefetch deliveries during pending picklist status available on Picklist enquiry screen.


Ready to Ship Status at


Channel Maintenance>Orders>Ready to Ship At



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User can choose to mark the status of ready to ship at any of the two events:

-at Manifest


-at Pack


Use Market Place Shipping Label

Channel Maintenance>Orders>Use Marketplace Shipping Label checkbox


User can check this option to notify the Shipping label by marketplace and then opt from the Shipment label drop box.


Inventory update

Channel Maintenance>Inventory Sync


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Choose “Inventory Sync” as “Yes” and it will automatically pull and update the inventory


Inventory Reconciliation

Channel Maintenance>Enable Inventory Recon


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Despite Inventory Sync, at times, there is a possibility of Inventory mismatch. By clicking Inventory Recon as “Yes,” it enables Vin E-retail to reconcile the inventory. (* It is only scheduled for once/day)


SKU Mapping

Client must map the unmapped SKU in vin eRetail in SKU~Variant Mode


Navigation: Sales>SKU Link Channel>Select the Channel name


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Click on “Link” and map the SKU with the correct eRetail SKU code manually OR


User can also choose to import the list via SKU channel Link Template.


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