Location Create/Edit


Locations in terms of e-commerce can be a Franchise or Store from where customers can directly walk-in to make a purchase, it can be a Warehouse from where online orders can be fulfilled or it can also be a Head Office from where all the other locations can be managed. In eRetail, the location can be manually created/uploaded from the backend. Once these locations are created in the eRetail system, user can use the Location code for order fulfilment, OMS rules setting, order processing, inventory movement etc. 

In Location Create/Edit module, we will explain how users can create and edit Locations in the eRetail system.


Navigation: Master >> Organization Management >> Location Create/Edit



Location Create/Edit Screen

Navigating to Location Create/Edit opens the following screen.


On this screen, the below tabs are present to capture all Location related information.

Location Create
Location Contact
User Defined Fields
 Location Tags


Location Create: This is further divided into two sections.

  1. Location Details
  2. Address Details

  3. Location Details section consists of fields related to location type, tax information, etc


Field Description

Location Code

User needs to enter an alphanumeric code to identify the location. 

Location Name

User needs to enter the name of the location.

Location Short Name

This field is used to enter a short name for the location for easy communication.

Location Type

The users need to select the type of location they want to create, from the dropdown. (Franchise, Store, HO, WH)

Source Warehouse

Warehouse from where the SKUs will be procured for fulfilment.


User needs to select if the location is ‘Activite’, ‘InActive’ or ‘Discontinued’.

Vendor Name

The user needs to enter the name of the vendor. (This field is enabled only when location type is ‘Franchise’)

Customer Name

The user needs to enter the name of the customer. (This field is enabled only when location type is ‘Franchise’)

Create PO

The user can check this if they want the creation of PO to be mandatory for this location. (This field is mandatory only when location type is ‘Franchise’)

Hierarchy Description

This displays the description of the organization for which the location is being created.

Hierarchy Type

This displays the type of hierarchy of the organization for which the location is being created.

VAT Regi. No.

The user can enter the VAT registration no. for the location.

CST Regi. No.

The user can enter the CST registration no. for the location.


The user can enter the TIN no. for the location.

Tax Zone

The user needs to select the state where the location is operating.

Ext. Loc.

User needs to enter the location code for identification outside of the org.

SKU link to location

User can select how to link/sync SKU to this location from the available dropdown options that are ‘Default’, ‘Manual’, ‘Never’.

Is ARS Required

User can check this if they want to enable ARS for this location.

Last Hierarchy Code

User can select the Last Hierarchy Code through this.

ARS Run Loc

User can enter the location from where the ARS will run.

Loc Live Date

The user can select the date on which the location was created in the system.

Digital Sign URL

The user can upload an image file as a digital sign for the location.

Digital Sign Image

The uploaded image will appear in this field.

GST Tin No.

The user can enter the GST no. of the location.

Invoice Report

The user can select the format of the invoice report from the dropdown.

Price Zone

User needs to select the Prize Zone under which the created location falls.

Pan Number

User can enter the PAN no. associated with the location/owner.

License No

User can enter the License no. associated with the location/owner.


  1. Address Details section consists of fields related to the address of the location being created, which are – 
  1. Address 1, Address 2, Address 3 and Address 4
  2. Latitude and Longitude
  3. Country, State, City, Pincode  
  4. Phone no. and Email Id.

Location Contact: On this tab the user can add contact details of the point of contact (POCs) for the location.

It has the following fields-

  1. Location Code and Name: Details of the Location being created.
  2. Contact Name including the Title (Dr., Ms., Mr., Mrs.), First middle and Last name.
  3. Contact Details including Email Id, Fax, Phone no., and alternate phone no.
  4. Designation of the contact in that location (Manager, customer support, etc).
  5. ‘Is Primary Contact’ checkbox, to identify the primary POC from the list of POCs

User defined Fields: These are the custom fields that can be created and used by the User for that location to input any extra information if required.


Location Tags: The user can assign different location tags for the location to set up OMS rules.
 These tags can be created from ‘Master >> Other Master >> Tags

The user needs to select the tags from the list to add and save the tags for the location using the ‘Add Tags’ and ‘Save Tags’ button on the screen. The can also remove the added tag by clicking on the checkbox to select it and then clicking the ‘Remove Tag’ button.

The screen also shows the Tag details, such as when the Tag was added and by whom.


Action Buttons

Action Buttons



After entering all the required values, the user can save the details to create a new Location.


Reset button will refresh all fields to blank. This will enable user to initiate addition of new Location.


Audit button shows information related to the creation and modification of the Location.