Organization Hierarchy


 Navigation: Master >> Organization Management >> Organization Hierarchy

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Organization Hierarchy Screen

The following screen is displayed when navigating to the Organization Hierarchy

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated 

The screen is divided into two parts,

  1. The left part of the screen displays the list of organizations created from this screen in hierarchy.
  2. The right part of the screen displays the list of fields required to create a new Organization. The user needs to fill in these fields to create and save new organization details.


Field Description

Hierarchy Type


Hierarchy Code

User defined code to identify and log into the organization.

Hierarchy Name

User needs to enter the name of the Organization


User needs to describe the organization. (can be full name of the org.)

Parent Hierarchy Code

 Enter the Parent organization code saved in the system (in case of)

Parent Hierarchy Desc

It reflects the description of the parent organization (in case of)

Parent Org. Type

It reflects the Hierarchy type of the parent organization.

Org Country

User can enter the country in which the org is established.

Base Currency

User can select the currency used in the organization.

Base Language

User can select the preferred language of communication of the org.

Time zone

User can select the time zone which is used by the organization

Org. Weight Unit

User can select the standard unit of measurement for weight that is used in the organization. (gm, kg, oz, lbs)

Org. Dimension Unit

User can select the standard unit of measurement for dimensions that is used in the organization. (mm, cm, mtr, inch)

Financial Start Date

User can select the date of start of the financial year.


 User can use the "Locale" ID like en - For English from the dropdown. This can be customized.


Action Buttons

Action Buttons



After entering all the required values, the user can save the details to create a new organization.


Reset button will refresh all fields to blank. This will enable user to initiate addition of new organization.