Location Enquiry


The Location Enquiry in Vin eRetail enables users to enquire and search an already existing location and its details. The users can refine the search further by using available filters like ‘Location Code’, ‘Location Name’, ‘Location Type’ etc. There is also a provision to Download/Export all the data present on the Location Enquiry screen.

It also allows users to Add new Locations and Edit existing Locations in the system.


Navigation: Master >> Organization Management >> Location Enquiry


Location Enquiry Screen

Navigating to Location Enquiry opens the below screen.

The following are the fields based on which the locations can be searched on this screen:


Field Description

Location Code

User defined code to identify the location.

Location Name

User defined name given to the location.

Short Name

Short name given to location for easy communication.

Location Type

This displays the type of location. (Franchise, Head Office, Store, WH)

Source Warehouse

This displays the name of the WH from where the orders will be fulfilled for the selected location.

Hierarchy Code

This displays the code of the organization to which the location is associated.

Hierarchy Type

This displays the Hierarchy of the location. (Company, Region, Zone, SubZone)


This displays the current status of the location. (Active, Deleted, InActive)


Action Buttons

Action Buttons



Clicking on the search button without entering any filter criterion will populate the list of all the Locations created so far based on default filter setting. User can further narrow down the search by using filter options to get any specific information.


Reset button will refresh the filter fields to default settings, i.e. to an initial state to start fresh search.

Advance Search

Advance Search opens a new ‘Location Tag’ filter to simplify search.

*While creating a location, user can add a tag to the location.


This allows the user to take the export of the details visible on the screen in an excel template.

Add New

Add new tab is used to create a new location in the system.



The Export button will download the location details in excel format as shown below

Add New Location

After clicking on the ‘Add New’ button, the system navigates to the Location Create/Edit screen. This screen can also be accessed directly from “Master >> Organization Management >> Location Create/Edit”.


Edit Existing Location

To edit the already existing Location in the system, the user needs to navigate to the Location Enquiry screen and click on the ‘Blue’ colored Location code. This will open the Location Create/Edit screen, where the user can edit the Location details.