SKU Barcode

SKU Barcode feature enables the User to maintain/upload the list of barcodes to be assigned to the SKU’s. These Barcodes provide a method to track and store information about SKUs from individual items to large stocks of millions in Warehousing and Order management. With the help of SKU Barcoding, we can track the movement of SKUs in/out of the warehouse.

There are two tabs on SKU Bar Code screen:

  1. SKU Barcode Create /Edit
  2. SKU Barcode Import

Navigation: Masters >> SKU Management >> SKU Barcode


Action Button:


Field Description


Users can view/ search the existing Barcode from within this screen.


Users can reset the current applied filter by this button


Users can export the data from this screen.

Add New

User can add/map the barcode by clicking on this screen.

SKU Barcode Create/Edit

This section will enable you to enquire and search an already existing Barcodes and their detail. User can refine the search further by using filters as per requirement/s. In addition, users also can take a download/export all the data present on Enquiry screen at any point of time.

Below are the fields based on which the barcodes can be searched.


Field Description


User can see the Audit by clicking on “i” icon and  can modify the existing one.

SKU Code

This is SKU Code which is derive from SKU Master.

SKU Name

SKU Name.


EAN code which maps with SKU.


Can be assign different UOM with different Barcode of SKU.

Barcode Type

Type of the barcode.

Is Active

It shows the barcode is Inactive or Active.

Is Default

One Barcode can be set as default for any SKU.

Case Size

It shows the Case Size of that particular Barcode.

Sale Price

Saleable price can be different of SKU based on its Bar Code.

Is Saleable

If Is Saleable checked means, that Bar Code can be order.


User can map the Barcode by click “Add New” button.

SKU Barcode Import

User can import the barcodes from this section in bulk by uploading the file. User needs to download the template, once the required details are filled in the downloaded template same file needs to be uploaded by clicking on choose file and click on Import button.

Once the file is imported same will be visible on the grid with the status.

Sample SKU Barcode Import Template