Merchandising Hierarchy
Merchandising Hierarchy generally refers to the hierarchy of the goods for sale which, in our system, are generally the SKUs and these SKUs mapped to a particular category or sub-category in the system. The user can create a hierarchy in the system where the user can map the subcategories to the categories and these categories are further mapped to a particular department in the system.
When a new SKU is created in the system, it is then mapped to the last hierarchy of the system i.e the sub-category of the SKU. These categories and sub-categories are defined by the user in the system using the Merchandising Hierarchy screen.
Navigation: Master > SKU Management > Merchandising Hierarchy
Merchandising Hierarchy Screen
Left side of the screen displays the created Merchandising Hierarchy and right side of the screen is used to Add/Edit the Merchandising Hierarchy.
Action Buttons:
Action Button | Description |
Save | After filling in all the details related to the new hierarchy or editing the existing one, user can click on Save. This saves the hierarchy in the system. |
Reset | This button will reset the merchandising criteria filled in by the user |
Export | This button will help the user to export the details related to the department code, sub-category code etc of all the hierarchies created in the system |
Audit | This button will enable the user to audit the existing hierarchy created in the system and the user can view the details related to created date, modified date, created by, and modified by. |
Import | This button enables users to create hierarchies in bulk using import file. |
Creating a new Merchandising Hierarchy in the system:
- Click on Master module on the screen. Navigate to SKU Management > Merchandising Hierarchy.
- A new tab will appear. Fill in all the details related to the Merchandising Type, Code, Name etc. the user wants to create.
- Click on Save. The hierarchy will appear on the left side of the screen and the SKUs can be mapped to this screen.
For example, if the user wants to create a new hierarchy with the Category as Slim Fit Category and it needs to be mapped to Slim Fit Style as the Department, user needs to create a category and fill in the details.
- Merch. Hierarchy Type: This is the type of Merchandising Hierarchy that the user wants to create. The user can select the type from the dropdown like the Department, Category and Sub-category.
- Merchandising Code*: This is the unique code associated with the type of hierarchy being created.
- Ext. Merchandising Code: This is the external merchandising code that is being pulled from any external system where the user wants to create the hierarchy in our system which is already present in any other system.
- Merchandising Name*: This is the unique name for the hierarchy being created.
- Merchandising Description: This is the description of the hierarchy being created in the system.
- Parent Merch Code*: This is the Parent Merch code that can be mapped to the categories or sub-categories being created. This parent code cannot be selected if the user wants to create a department in the hierarchy. The user can select the parent merch code from the dropdown list on the screen.
- Parent Merch Desc: This is the description of the Parent Merch Code selected by the user and is auto populated once the user selects the Merch code.
- Parent Merch Type: This is the type of the Parent Merch Code selected by the user and is auto populated once the user selects the Merch code.
- Is Active: This is a checkbox where the user can mark the hierarchy created as Active or Inactive.
User Defined Fields: The user can add User Defined fields to the SKUs being created in the system.
Other Settings: The user can enable Default Lottable and Default Serial tracking for the hierarchy being created in the system.
After filling in all the required details, the user can click on Save and the hierarchy will be added to the system. Similar steps are to be followed for creating a department and sub-category in the system.
Considering the example above, this hierarchy with the following details can be shown in the left side of the screen.
Department: Slim fit Style
Category: Slim Fit Category
Sub – category: SLIMFIT-L
Once a hierarchy is made in the system, the user can map the newly created SKUs that belong to Fans as a sub-category through this Merchandising Hierarchy in the system.