SKU-Location Link


SKU-Location link module in Vin eRetail is used to setup ARS (Auto Replenishment System) for any SKU in the selected Location. Users can View, Update, Add, Download and Bulk Update ARS for any required SKU-location combination.

ARS can be executed either as a PO or as a STO depending on the Fulfilment Method. There are two types of fulfilment method in Vin eRetail-

  1. Direct Store Purchase: ARS is executed as a PO and the SKUs are procured directly from the selected Vendor.
  2. Distribution Center: ARS is executed as a STO and the SKUs are transferred from another location defined as the Fulfilment WH.

Navigation: Procurement >> SKU-Location Link

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SKU-Location Link 

Graphical user interface, application

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On the SKU-Location Link screen, the following fields are available as filter for searching:
 (The fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) cannot be used as search filter.)


Field Description


This displays the location for which the ARS is configured.


This displays the SKU code for which the ARS is configured.


This displays the hierarchy of the selected SKU.


This displays the Brand of the selected SKU.

Primary Vendor

This displays the code of the primary vendor of the selected SKU. This is applicable only when the ‘Fulfilment Method’ is selected as ‘Direct Store Purchase’

Fulfilment Method

This displays the selected method for fulfilling the ARS. It can be Direct Store Purchase or Distribution Center.

Fulfilment WH

This displays the name of the warehouse used for fulfilment. However, this is applicable only when the ‘Fulfilment Method’ is selected as ‘Distribution Center’.

WH Lead Time

This displays the number of days it takes to fulfil the ARS. This is applicable only when the ‘Fulfilment Method’ is selected as ‘Distribution Center’.

Stock cover

The selected location should have enough qty of the SKU that will last for the required no of days. The field displays this required no. of days.

Minimum Transfer Qty

This displays the minimum qty of SKU that needs to be transferred. This is applicable only when the ‘Fulfilment Method’ is selected as ‘Distribution Center’.

Transfer Unit Factor

The qty of SKU that will be transferred is a multiple of the value entered in this field. Ex: If the Unit Factor is entered 5 then the transfer qty can only be 5,10,15,20,25, etc. This is applicable only when the ‘Fulfilment Method’ is selected as ‘Distribution Center’.

ARS Flag

This field displays whether the ARS for the selected SKU-Location combination is Active or Inactive.

This is used to edit the selected ARS combination.

Maximum SKU Qty

This displays the maximum qty of the SKU that should be present in the selected location. The system will generate the ARS accordingly. Ex: If this value is 1000 and currently the location has 100 SKUs, then the system will generate the ARS for 900 values.


Action Buttons

Action Buttons



Clicking on the search button without entering any filter criterion will populate the list of all the Attribute sets created so far based on default filter setting. User can further narrow down the search by using filter options to get any specific information.


This will download the list of ARS SKU-Location Links based on the filters applied, in CSV format.

Bulk Import

This is used to import the ARS SKU-Location Links in bulk using a CSV file from an external system.


Reset button will refresh the filter fields to default settings, i.e. to an initial state to start fresh search.

Advance Search

Advance Search opens a new filter to search SKU-Location link. Here the additional filter is ‘SKU Name’.

Add New

Add new button is used to create a new SKU-Location Link in the system.

Bulk Update

This is used to bulk update the links manually in the system.


Add New

The Add New button opens the following pop-up screen:

Graphical user interface, application

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The input fields on this screen are already explained above in the SKU-Location Link section.

Bulk Update

The Bulk Update button opens the following pop-up screen:

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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This pop-up screen has two sections:

  1. Update Filter
  2. Update Field

Update Filter: This section contains fields related to the SKUs and the Location.


Field Description

Location Type

This is used to select the type of location. (Franchise, Store, WH)


After selecting the Location type, the user needs to select the location from this dropdown list.


This is used to select the hierarchy of the SKU.

Sku Group

User can select the SKU group to be linked for ARS. SKU group can be created from the ‘Manage SKU Group’ module. 


This is used to select the Vendor from whom the SKU needs to be procured.


If the user wants to set-up ARS for SKUs of a particular brand, then they need to select the Brand from this dropdown.


To set-up ARS the user can also enter individual SKUs that are not in the same group or not of the same brand. This can be done by entering the SKU code


Update Field: This section contains fields related to the ARS configuration. The input fields on this section have already been explained above in the SKU-Location Link section.

After entering all the required details, the user needs to click the ‘Update’ button at the bottom to update the ARS location link. ‘Close’ button will discard all the inputs and close the pop-up screen.