Manage Attribute


Sellers need different types of attributes for classification and identification of their SKUs. They also need a system to define/modify these attributes so that the attributes can be linked with SKUs. This is accomplished by the "Manage" attribute module in Vin eRetail.

"Manage Attribute" module allows users to Add new Attributes to their SKUs in the system. It also enables them to Search and Edit an already existing Attribute & its details.

Attributes are user defined characteristics for the SKU that are not present in the system but can be created as per brand/customer requirements. These attributes can be linked with the SKUs for better classification and identification. e.g., Colour and Size

In this document, we will learn to create an attribute or update an existing attribute as per the SKU type.

Navigation: Master >> SKU Management >> Manage Attribute

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Attribute Enquiry Screen

Graphical user interface, application

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On Attribute Enquiry screen, the following are the fields based on which the Attributes can be searched:


Field Description

Attribute Code

This is a system generated code, used to identify the Attribute.


This is a user defined field, used to describe the Attribute.


When this is enabled, this Attribute if selected becomes mandatory to fill while creating/updating SKU.


When this is enabled, this Attribute if selected becomes visible and can be filled while creating/updating SKU.


User can select the below options from the dropdown to define the Scope of the Attribute – ‘Seller Panel’, ‘Company’, ‘Enterprise’


This can be enabled if the user wants the Attribute to be searchable.


This is used to mark the Attribute as ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’ in the system.


Action Buttons

Action Buttons



Clicking on the search button without entering any filter criterion will populate the list of all the Attributes created so far based on default filter setting. User can further narrow down the search by using filter options to get any specific information.


Reset button will refresh the filter fields to default settings, i.e. to an initial state to start fresh search.

Add New

Add new tab is used to create a new Attribute in the system.


Add New

Clicking on Add New button will open the Attribute Create/Edit screen.

Attribute Create/Edit

Graphical user interface, application

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On this screen, the following tabs are present to capture all Attribute related information.

‘Attribute’ Tab


Field Description

Attribute Code

This is a system generated code, used to identify the Attribute.


This is a user defined field, used to describe the Attribute.


This is a user defined field, used to identify the Attribute.


User can select the below options from the dropdown to define the Scope of the Attribute – ‘Seller Panel’, ‘Company’, ‘Enterprise’

Input Type

This is used to define the Input Type for the attribute. This can be a text field, dropdown, date, yes/no, etc

Default Value

This is used to define a Default Value that the system will consider when the user does not enter any input value.

Input Validation Rule

This is used to define the format of data (regex validation) which will be entered by the user in the Attribute detail field. This can be integer, alphanumeric, URL, etc

Applicable SKU

This is used to select the classification of SKU on which the Attribute will be applicable.

External Attribute Description

This description is used for an additional understanding required for mapping and Reporting.

Ext Attribute Description

An additional attribute description used for reporting purpose. 


When this is enabled, this Attribute if selected becomes mandatory to fill while creating/updating SKU.


When this is enabled, this Attribute if selected becomes visible and can be filled while creating/updating SKU.

Is Unique

When this is enabled, no two SKUs can have the same value of this Attribute.


This can be enabled if the user wants the Attribute to be searchable.


This is used to mark the Attribute as Active or Inactive in the system.

Update Variant

For Style SKUs, this is enabled to update the same Attribute to all its Variants.

Push To Magento

This option is used to push the attribute to Magento.


‘Data Values’ Tab

This tab is used when the “Input Type” on the “Attribute” tab is selected as a “Dropdown” or “Multiple Select”.


Field Description

Attribute Value Description

This is the value, that will be displayed in the Dropdown.


This is used to define the position of the value in the dropdown.

is Default

When it is enabled, then this value will be selected by default if the user does not select any value.

External Attribute Value

This is non-mandatory field used to describe the value.

External Attribute Value Code

This is non-mandatory field used to identify the value.

Add New Row

This button will add new rows to the dropdown.

Delete Row

This button will remove rows from the dropdown.


‘User Defined Fields’ Tab

5 input fields are available under this tab for user to input UDFs.

Action Buttons

Action Buttons



Save button will create a new Attribute with all the settings selected by the user.


Delete button will delete the selected Attribute from the system.


Audit button shows information related to the creation and modification of the Attribute.

Add New

Add New button is used to create a new Attribute in the system.


Edit Existing Attribute

To edit the already existing Attribute in the system, the user needs to navigate to the Attribute Enquiry screen and click on the ‘Blue’ colored Attribute code. This will open the Attribute Create/Edit screen, where the user can edit the Attribute details.

Graphical user interface

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Example of Attribute

“Health Considerations” attribute has been created in the system as an example. The following are the values that are added to the attribute.

Graphical user interface, table

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“Health Considerations” attribute can then be added to an Attribute Set for linking it to the SKUs.