SKU Import


The SKU import module in Vin eRetail enables the user to import SKUs also allows to update the existing SKUs to the system in bulk using the excel template file. It also allows to download the uploaded file.

Navigation: Master >> SKU Management >> SKU Master

There are three types of SKU import:

  1. SKU Create Update: This option allows users to create/update the SKUs in bulk.
  2. SKU Create: This option allows users to create SKUs in bulk with some limited mandatory fields only.
  3. SKU Update: This option allows users to update the SKUs in bulk with the help of SKU code only.

1. SKU Create/Update: 

Once user clicks on SKU Create Update, a new screen is displayed below:

Import section allows the user to import the SKUs in Bulk via CSV template file. The following fields are available for the user to import the correct SKU details.

  1. Import Type: The user can define the purpose of the import by selecting any of the dropdown choices, which are:
  • Create/Update: To create or update the SKUs in bulk
  • Cost Price Update: To update the price of the SKUs in bulk
  • BOM Link: To import BOM SKUs in bulk.
  1. Attribute Set*: User will select the attribute set for SKU import from here. The SKU imported from here will be assigned to the selected attribute.
  2. Upload Template: User will select the appropriate CSV file to be imported, using the ‘Choose File’ option.
  3. Download Template: This option allows the user to download the CSV template file for the selected ‘Import Type’.

Download: This section allows the user to search and download the uploaded CSV file of SKU import by first searching them based on File Status, file Upload Date and other similar criterion.

Sample SKU Create/Update Template:

2. SKU Create: 

Once user clicks on SKU Create, a new screen is displayed below:


This screen allow users to simply create SKUs in bulk with limited mandatory fields. Users need to click on refresh icon to download the latest template. After updating the required SKUs in the template user needs to choose the saved file and click on Import button at the top.

In addition, user can see the status of the uploaded file on Download tab of the screen.

Sample SKU Create Template:

3. SKU Update: 

Once user clicks on SKU Create, a new screen is displayed below: 

This screen allow users to simply update the required details of the SKU using SKU code only. Users need to click on refresh icon to download the latest template. After updating the required SKUs in the template user needs to choose the saved file and click on Import button.

Once the file is uploaded, user needs to navigate to Download tab of the screen to check the status of the file. In addition user also can take the export of the imported file. 

Sample SKU Update Template: