Manage SKU Group


Manage SKU Group in Vin eRetail allows users to View, Create, Edit and Download the SKU Groups. Grouping of SKUs allow users to process multiple SKUs at once. Use cases for SKU group -

  • For Auto Replenishment System or ARS
  • For Generating SKU wise Picklist (by Zone/Bin)
  • For Inventory Reservation
  • For setting OMS Rules

Navigation: Master >> SKU Management >> Manage SKU Group


SKU Group Enquiry 

The following fields are available on the screen:
 (The fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are searchable fields.)


Field Description

SKU Group Code*

This is the system generated code for identifying the SKU Group.

SKU Group Name*

This is the user defined name for the SKU Group.

No. of SKU

This reflects the no. of SKUs in the group.

Created By

This field reflects the username that created the SKU Group.

Created Date

This field reflects the date on which the SKU Group was created.

Updated By

This field reflects the username that last updated the SKU Group after it was created.

Updated Date

This field reflects the date on which the SKU Group was last updated.


Action Buttons

Action Buttons



Clicking on the search button without entering any filter criterion will populate the list of all the SKUs created so far based on default filter setting. User can further narrow down the search by using filter options to get any specific information.


Reset button will refresh the filter fields to default settings, i.e. to an initial state to start fresh search.


This will Download a detailed list of all the SKU Groups on the screen.

Add New

Add new button is used to create a new SKU Group in the system.


Adding/Creating New SKU Group

After Clicking on the Add New button, the following screen opens:

  • SKU Group Code: This is a system generated code assigned to the SKU Group.
  • SKU Group Name: This is a user defined name for the SKU group.
  • No. of SKU: This reflects the no. of SKUs currently added in the group.
  • Status: This is used to change the status of the SKU Group as ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’.
  • Add SKU: This button is used to add SKUs to the group. By clicking on this button, the above screen options will be displayed.
  •  SKU Code: The user needs to enter the SKU code one-by-one to add them in the group.
  •  SKU Description: This will be auto populated with reference to the SKU Code entered.
  •  MRP: This reflects the MRP of the entered SKU. It can be edited by the user.
  • Add SKU, Reset and Remove buttons perform their obvious functions.



This button is used to add SKUs to the group in bulk. By clicking on the Import button, the below window is displayed. The user can enter multiple SKU codes in the mentioned format to create the SKU Group. A maximum of 20,000 SKUs can be added to the group in one go.

Once all the required fields are filled the user needs to click the ‘Save’ button to create the Group. The ‘Add New’ button will allow the user to create another group.

Edit Existing SKU Group

To edit the already existing SKU Groups in the system, the user needs to navigate to the SKU Group Enquiry screen and click on the ‘Blue’ colored SKU Group code. This will open the SKU Group Create/Edit screen, where the user can edit the SKU Group details.