CMS to Marketplaces Process flow

This document helps you to comprehend how our CMS can simply eliminate the manual efforts of listing to different marketplaces. With a single place setup, CMS allows to assign products to various marketplaces.

  • Requirement gathering: Initially, mandate information which client need to secure in with Vinculum are as below:
  • Category Confirmation: Primarily, we need to confirm with client and talk about in detail about their categories and sub-categories and confirm with them and make sure that categories are static and would not change post implementation. 

  • Channel/Webstore Confirmation: Discuss with client about their marketplaces in which they want to list their products. 

  • Marketplaces credentials of seller account is required for testing and client should provide us those credentials.


  • Marketplace specific attributes confirmation

We need to make sure that we are having all marketplace specific attributes from clients and are mapped to CMS.

  • Get the list of attributes available with client
  • Share the mandatory attributes (CMS static attributes should be mandatorily needed) with client


  • Import type confirmation

In CMS, we support three type of data import type (getting client’s data to our CMS):

  • Manual Template upload category based
  • PIM (Product information management)- client can provide through their own PIM or can use our Vim PIM to provide us data
  • FTP


Once requirement is gathered, follow below activities to check:


  • CMS Readiness of marketplace to be checked at our end 
  • Customization of import as per client’s requirement



CMS Panel Creation and Channel Configuration

  • User Panel Creation


Once client is onboard, firstly, we need to get their CMS panel created by CMS team.


CMS panel url is shared with client and users are created who can login to that specific client panel (we can check with client about their users also) 






  • User Creation Steps:


1. Goto Path CMS >> Admin >> User >> Create User




2. Assign role access to user:

 CMS >> Admin >> user >> Select Role >> Add >> Save




  • Brand Subscription


To subscribe the Brand of client in CMS: path >> admin>> brand subscription






If brand is not available, Implementation team need to add brand in Brand attribute.


Channel setup process

Pre-requisite information needed for any channel subscription: 


1. Client should confirm us their Image hosting type- Dropbox, Manual Template, External AWS etc

2. Image Conversion enabled or not- Client should let us know whether the same image resolution will be used, or CMS should convert and transform according to marketplaces

3. All the above information is required to subscribe any channel to Client

4. For API Enabled Channels, SKU Sync and Price Sync options are available, required information are needed for SKU Push/Pull.

Assign subscribed Channel to user

Assign Channel subscription – Assign the channel to client’s CMS panel Path CMS >>Admin >> Channel Subscription


CMS Import Setup

Client should inform us how they would be providing us data to our CMS. There are three different ways in which client can send us data:


  • PIM enable import setup

A Product Information Management (PIM) provides a single place to collect, manage, and enrich your product information, create a product catalog, and distribute it to your sales and eCommerce channels.


Client can send their data from their PIM to CMS (refer to another document for PIM to CMS setup) OR can use our Vin PIM to import data to CMS (steps are same, refer PIM to CMS document)


  • Manual Template Upload setup 

Client can provide us data by filling our CMS master template (one template which have all CMS static mandatory fields wand all required fields of marketplaces confirmed by client)


Download the template according to category defined, it will download in your system

Path: CMS >> Admin >> Import Type >> Product >> Download >> Category





Fill the template sheet with required details and import from the Upload File. There will be dropdown and text type cells in excel. All mandatory columns are required to be filled as per the Marketplace.


Path: CMS >> Admin >> Import Type >> Product >> Upload File >> Import




 Note: Client may request us to fill data on their behalf, in such cases, we shall ask them for data and Implementation team handle the filling of template. 

FTP Upload Setup

Client may provide us data through FTP, there would be specific FTP path/credentials that will be setup for this activity. CMS will pick the input file from that location only.

Standard file format will be provided by Seller for this method and the file format wouldn’t be changed in future. This file should have all the required static/dynamic attributes.

EXT Mapping in CMS is required for detail refer to PIM to CMS doc.


SKU Listing to subscribed channel

Pointer to check before SKU- Channel Assignment

  • All the data imported by client covers all required attributes of channel
  • Mandatory attributes are mapped to CMS Attributes
  • Marketplaces output values are mapped to CMS values
  • Image handling is done
  • SKU Listing API

For API enable channel, we must just assign channel from Product window and sku will be pushed automatically to that specific channel, for status, we can go to admin>> Transmit enquiry


Whenever sku is pushed to any marketplaces from CMS unique product id is generated and saved as Channelskucode. Check mpskudata table for channelskucode. If marketplace does not return channelskucode, our displayskucode is used as channelskucode.

To check Channelskucode: export the channel mapping from Product


Other ways to push SKU-


a. Product Import- In some cases, client may update/add product through product import window, path: admin>> import>>import type>> product (download template)>>import upload

Once template will be uploaded sku can be pushed to marketplace

b. SKU Management- Path: Master>> SKU Management>> Operation


This window facilitates us to SKU repush, SKU can be repushed to assigned marketplace through this window


c SKU can be re-pushed through product window checked box option



SKU Listing Manual

If channel to be assigned is manual, then, 


  • clients need to assign channel on Product page- Click on the check box to assign channel

Goto Admin >> Exports>> Export Type >> Product by Export Profile, fill the channel and category and export profile and download the output file to upload in specific marketplace


Note: We can also auto assign the channel if requested by client. Once imported products, products can be auto assigned to channels.

Additional Product Information 


  • Image Import

Image import can be done through any of the below two methods:

Product image link can be filled in CMS Master template and uploaded to import  

  • Using Dropbox: Dropbox can be linked with CMS using Access Token to upload the images against SKUs (style code and style group ID). All the images should be named after the sku (style code and style group ID) in dropbox folder.


Path: CMS >> Admin >> Import Type >> Image Import >> Access Token (Dropbox)>> Import



Price Import

Price to all assigned marketplaces cannot be updated by product template OR through create product api call. For updating price:


Manual upload template- download the price template from path:

Admin>> Import>>import type>>channel price>>select price for those price need to updated>> download the template



  • Fill the template with MRP and SP and upload the template in Import
  • For API enable channel, update price call might also be available to update the price else price can be updated through template (as explained above)


CMS Configuration for SKU Push

Export Profile Creation

Export profile is created to map marketplace template attribute with our CMS template attributes.


Manual File Export profile

Channel for those clients who need to manually upload the template in respective marketplace, for such channel we create File export profile 

  • Goto path CMS >> Master >> Export Profile >> Create Profile
  • Fill the details (add the marketplace template path, profile name,file type etc) as given in respective profile
  • Standard marketplace template is mandatory to upload in File Export Profile in “Template File”





Map the CMS attributes to marketplace attributes in export profile template


Upload the template in below path:


 CMS > Admin> Imports > Import Type>> Export Profile > Upload File > Import


API Export profile 

For API enable channel, we will create API export profile, here profile type will be API




Make sure that all attributes of API channel are mapped to CMS attributes. In API Export profile, marketplace template upload is not mandatory, we can upload a blank file too rest process to import is same as of File type export profile.



 New Attribute Addition

To add any new attribute in CMS:


  • Download the attribute template sheet and fill with required details 

Path: CMS >> Admin >> import >> Import Type >> Attribute >> Download 


  • Import from the Upload File.


New Attribute Value addition

To add any value to any attribute same template will be used as of attribute addition, 



we must assure that no duplicate value is added, and Line No should start from next last number, like, if attribute already have two value, line no.1 and 2 then new value line no will start from 3.