This Document will cover all the necessary steps and comprehensive information for Implementation of new client PIM to our Vin Lister-CMS. 


1. CMS Panel Creation -Prerequisite for getting data from PIM to CMS is to create client’s CMS panel.


For each client unique CMS panel link is created

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2. CMS environment specific end point setup and Request format provided to Client 

Once CMS panel is created, CMS environment specific end point is to be shared for PIM data push to CMS 

a) Product Create URL – To push data in CMS from PIM, we need to provide our CMS API’s product create url to client.   This URL is sequence of Unique cms link and CMS API create path


Example: Our Client Bata Malaysia has its own PIM and pushes data through PIM to CMS. 


Unique CMS Panel Link is as below:

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API to submit product data to CMS for Creation is as below:

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 End Point created will be CMS Panel Link + CMS API, i.e.,

     https://bata-my-cms.vineretail.com/ + cmsRestWS/api/v1/product/create


New endpoint will be:




         b) Required Keys to be provided for getting PIM data are:

              -   Content Type - The value of content type is always same –  


              - Authorization Key - For all new clients and new PIM configurations, 

                 unique authorization key is generated by Integration Team.  

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c) Request format is provided to client- Once CMS panel is setup and required keys and end points are generated, we share the request format to client. 

Sample request format:Text

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Make sure below pointers are covered in our Request format:


  • SKU Classification- Request should have attributes and blocks to handle Normal, Style and Variant skus
  • CMS Mandatory Static attributes- Request should include all attributes for our CMS required static attributes.

Below are few required Static attributes:

  • Product Name
  • Product Title
  • Brand
  • Price
  • Image
  • Package Dimension- Height, Weight, Length and Width
  • SKU Code
  • SKU Classification – If SKU is Style, then Variants is required, and its variation is needed like Size or Colour
  • Product Details
  • Product Description
  • Client specific dynamic attributes should also be mapped to CMS attributes
  • Marketplace specific dynamic attributes can also be provided in JSON in variant level details
  •  JSON is in proper format with all required parentheses.



Client might send us the customized request format. In those cases, we need to configure the same at our backend.


3. Ext attribute Mapping in CMS

After first push of product data from PIM to CMS, All the PIM attributes will be populated in CMS panel of client’s Admin >> EXT SKU Attribute Mapping.

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Now, Mapping is done for PIM attributes and PIM values with our CMS attributes and CMS Values respectively.


We must ensure that:


  • Category Mapping should be primarily done with our CMS category 


  • All CMS static attributes should be mapped to PIM attributes


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  • All the PIM attributes are passed to clients specific External System Graphical user interface, application, Word

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  • All CMS required attributes are passed from PIM and is mapped. 


  • Client specific mandatory dynamic Attributes should also be mapped to CMS attributes. 


  • For all the dropdown attributes, Value mapping should also be done. All PIM output values should map with CMS output values.



Understanding of EXT Mapping headers:

  • EXT Attribute Name- This column covers all the Attributes passed from PIM to CMS. 

Here in below screenshot, Ankle_Height, Arch_Type, brand etc Attributes are coming from PIM to CMS

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  • CMS Attrib – This column denotes whether corresponding attribute is Static as S and Dynamic as D

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  • CMS Attribute – CMS attribute code is entered in this field. 


  • Attribute Label – CMS Attribute name of that corresponding PIM Attribute is added here.

For example, check below:   Ankle_Height is EXT Attribute name, and its corresponding CMS attribute name is Ankle Height and Unique attribute code for ankle height is 25045Graphical user interface, text, application

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  • Mapping Type –If any attribute is of dropdown and requires value mapping then this Mapping type column is used to enable value mapping box. We need to enter Mapping name to enable value box.


In above example, we can see that once “Brandmapping” name is given               to Mapping type column, the box in left side will be enabled. Click on it           to map the EXT values to CMS values.

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To add new mapping, click on Add New and by using Pipe delimiter | add ext value and cms value and click on Add + button

EXT Value|CMS Value

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  • Conditional Field and Conditional Values – These columns are used when we have to do one to many relationships mapping based on different field conditions, which means one EXT attribute is mapped to many CMS attribute.


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Here in above screenshot, one EXT attribute Material_Type is used for different CMS attribute which are different Category- Footwear, Bags and Luggage. So, if material data comes for MerchID- 211-Footwear, then CMS will read mapping of Seqno-26789 and will create that sku under footwear and will use Footwear Material accordingly in CMS.


  • Priority – Priority is set for those attributes where more than one EXT Attribute is passed for one CMS attribute. So, whenever request will come Priority 2 will be picked first followed with priority 1Graphical user interface, application

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                 EXT setup will be done by CMS team for PIM sku push

4. SKU Push from PIM to CMS

Once PIM configuration is done, the data is hit from PIM to CMS.

Import tab will show the result of data push whether all the product created or not with Total data pushed and success count, if any error and data failed, it will come in Red highlighted number.

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Error can be checked by clicking on errors:

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We can also check for data logs in Importlogs table (It is a Global db. table, which contains all information of import of all orgid- Importtype, Orgid, UID,Filename, Successcount, error msg etc). 

 DB Table References

Table Name



Global DB table which contains all the information of all clients API Keys details
  with Orgid and Created date


Global DB table which contains all information of import of all orgid-
 Importtype, Orgid,UID,Filename, Successcount, error msg 


Global DB table for to check assigned db of all orgids


Global db table to check all the EXT value mapping to CMS values on basis of EXT System


Global DB table to check all the PIM Attribute mapping information to CMS attributes