Lottable Validation

About Lottable Validation

To run efficiently, warehouse operations must start with an organized receiving process. Upon receiving, the SKUs/items are collected and stored basis certain criteria/parameters like pricing, manufacturing date, expiry date etc. that helps later in inventory movement. This grouping/batch creation is called lot(s) creation. The process defined to validate the lots is called lottable validation. As per the requirements, user can predefine the lottable labels that can be set in the Vin eRetail system under Lottlable validations. FIFO (first in first out), LIFO (last in first out), FEFO (First expiry first out) are all examples of lottable validations in a warehouse.

Navigation: eRetail Home Screen> WMS>Setup>Lottable Validation

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Lottable Validation Screen



Lottable Validation Code

Lottable Validation code is the user generated code which is created while creating lottable validation. While enquiring or searching for the lottable Val Code detail this field can be used to input and narrow down the search. OR 

User can directly click on “Search” button, and it will give a result of all the validation codes created by the user(s) previously for the warehouse.


It is used to select if the validation code is a default code. The dropdown box contains two options – Yes/No


User can search the lottable code basis the description provide by them at the time of creation


Action Buttons

After clicking on “Search” button:

A screenshot of a computer

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Action Buttons



Clicking on the search button without entering any filter criterion will populate the list of all the Lottable Validation created so far based on default filter setting. User can further narrow down the search by using filter options to get any specific information.


Reset button will refresh the filter fields to default settings, i.e. to an initial state to start fresh search.

Add New

To add a new Lottable validation critera to the system.


 To create a new lottable validation

Navigation: Lottable validation screen> Add new>Lottable create/edit screen

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Lottable Validation Code*

User can enter any alphanumeric code for defining the lottable validation. It is a mandatory field.


By entering the description of lottable validation, user can defined/explained the criteria or parameter. User can search the validation code from description on Lottable validation screen. It is a free text field and a mandatory field.

Is default

It is a check box to identify if the validation is default. If it is not checked, the system will take it as default No.

Lottable 1

It can be used to enter the details of any important criteria like a batch number, batch price etc. The user can select checkboxes if that is mandatory for inward or outward movement of SKU. The length of this field is 50 numberic characters.

Lottable 2,3,4

These lottable fields are used for entering dates e.g., Manufacturing/Expiry/Creation/Inbound date etc. The user can select checkboxes if that is mandatory for inward or outward movement movement of SKU.

Lottable 5,6,7

User can define any other criteria in the remaining fields and select the checkboxes if they are important for inward or outward movement of SKU. The length of this field is also 50 numeric characters.


After entering the above details, user can click on “Save” and the validation code will reflect on lottable validation screen.


To move away from this page, user can select “Cancel” button and it will take it back to the lottable validation screen.


How to edit the existing Lottable validation criteria

User can edit the existing lottable validation criteria by clicking “Code” from lottable validation screen. It will take you to the Lottable validation create/edit screen and then user can make changes to the parameters and “Save” the changes.

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Linking of Lottable validation to SKU

Navigation: eRetail Home Screen>Master>SKU Management>SKU Create/Edit Screen>Other Details>Details 2

User has to define the lottable validation code and select “SKU Rotation” (FIFO/LIFO) criteria in SKU master.