Vin Supplier | SKU 

This feature enables the seller to view all the SKUs, mark the SKU as active or inactive and generate labels. Seller can also update the price and inventory of SKUs either by updating each SKU or multiple SKUs at once.

SKU List

Navigation: Seller Panel Dashboard > SKU> SKU List

This section displays the detailed view of all SKUs. 

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This section also has a default header with following options:

  1. Search: Clicking on search button will display all the SKUs present in the system. Additionally, seller can search the SKU using SKU code or Seller SKU code
  2. Clear: This button clears the search results as well as the search parameters
  3. Advanced Search: This option enables the seller to search the SKU using any of the parameters as shown below:


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  1. Export: The seller can export/download the list of SKUs displayed in grid, using the export button. 


There are four actions (as shown in the screenshot below) that the seller can take on the SKUs:

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  1. SaveThe seller can update the price and inventory for each SKU by updating the values of Selling Price field and Seller Inventory respectively. To save the updated values in the system, the seller can click on Action>save.
  2. Activate: This will mark the product(s) as active. Active status signifies that the product can be sold in the marketplace
  3. DeactivateThis option will mark the product(s) as inactive. Inactive status signifies that the product is not available to be sold in marketplace 
  4. Generate Labels:  The seller can print labels and barcodes for SKU using Generate labels option


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 Seller can select the label type from the dropdown in generate label screen


Bulk Processing: The seller can also update multiple SKUs by selecting the check boxes of multiple rows and click on the required action button i.e. update price or inventory, mark the SKU as active or inactive.



Update Price/ Inventory

Navigation: SKU> Update Price/Inventory

This screen enables the seller to update the price/inventory of SKU in bulk. Following are the steps that seller has to follow to update the data in bulk:

  1. Click on advance Search option to view the options to download template and import data
  2. Download the template by clicking on ‘Download Template’ link
  3. Upload the data file 
  4. Import the data in system by clicking on Import button


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The records that are successfully updated and failed will appear under Successful and Error tab respectively.

The records that are in process will be displayed in Pending tab