Seller Panel | Returns

The returns feature in the Vin Supplier enables the seller to view and process the returns initiated from marketplace.

The vin supplier currently does not enable the seller to create returns. The returns are created manually in eRetail using APIs. These returns are routed to seller panel by the eRetail system.

Manage Returns

Navigation: Returns>Manage Returns

This dashboard displays all the returns requests received by the seller from marketplace

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There are 3 tabs under manage returns:

  1. Return initiated
  2. Return/RTO
  3. Disputed


1. Return InitiatedSeller can view all the returns initiated from marketplace (delivered returns) under this tab. The seller can perform the following action on the returns:

Mark Received: This option enables the seller to close the return request. Once the seller has received the order item in his warehouse, he can mark that particular order as received. Seller can also update multiple return requests by checking the check boxes of more than one row.

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The returns that are successfully marked as received will no longer appear in the list

2. Return/RTO: This tab displays the non-delivered returns

3. Disputed: If the items in the return order are damaged, then the seller can raise a dispute against that return by clicking on ‘Mark Dispute’ button.

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Once the seller clicks on Mark Dispute, a pop will appear where the seller has to upload images of the product item and reason behind raising dispute.

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The seller has to select the reason for dispute, can add remarks if any, and has to upload images of the product before clicking on Save. The seller also has an option to upload the video of item. Once these details are saved successfully, the return will be marked as disputed. The marketplace will then carry the investigation for the disputed returns.