About DTDC

Desk to Desk Courier & Cargo, popularly known as DTDC, is a Bengaluru based logistics company. Established in 1990, DTDC has 7 Zonal offices, 20 strategically located Regional Offices and over 430 operating facilities spread across India.

Services Integrated

Below are the services of DTDC which are integrated with e-Retail:

  • Forward manifest
  • Reverse manifest
  • Shipment tracking
  • DTDC Shipping label


Before configuring the transporter on Vin e-Retail, the following needs to be obtained from DTDC:

  • Username (tracking authentication)
  • Password (tracking authentication)
  • Customer Code
  • Service Type

Configuring the logistics partner

Below are the steps to configure the transporter in eRetail:

  • Login on Vin e-Retail. Once logged in, navigate to left hand side of the screen towards the menu.

  • Hover over the Master Module and click on Transporter Master under Trading Partners.

  • In the Transporter Enquiry screen, click the Add New button that is located on the top right corner of the screen. Alternatively, use Alt+F as shortcut key to add a new transporter. This will bring up Transporter Create/Edit screen.

  • On the Transporter Create/Edit screen, select the Transporter Type as "DTDC version 3" from the drop-down list.


Fill the details as required in the below table:

Detail Transporter



Field (Free Text/Checkbox/





Detail Transporter

Transporter Type

Select the dropdown to choose the transporter. It is a mandatory field.

Select DTDC version 3. Once the transporter is selected, “Configure API Details” tab will appear.


Transporter Code*

Unique Code is generated by the user for each Transport. Once the Transporter Code is saved, it cannot be edited. It is a mandatory field.

It helps differentiating two or more records in case these records have same Transporter Name.


Transporter Name*

Defined by the user. It is a mandatory field.

The user can use this field to give any name for the transporter.


Company Name

Defined by the user.

This field is used to provide an optional alternative name to the transporter.


GL Code

General Ledger Code and it is an optional free text field.

It is used for reference to locate the transporter in the books of accounts.


Validate Service Loc

Checkbox that allows validation of Delivery location/pin code of the transporter

It is used to check whether the delivery location is serviceable or not (i.e., reachable by the transporter.)


Send Ship Mail ID

Checkbox that allows to send ship mail ID to your customers.

When this option is enabled, the transporter will send order tracking information to the end customer via email.


Reverse Validate Service Loc

Checkbox will allow validation for the delivery location/pin code in case of returns

It is used to check whether the pickup location is serviceable or not.


Delivery Mode

Dropdown to select delivery mode as Air or Surface

It is not a mandatory field. The delivery via water bodies will be part of the surface only.


Upload AWB series

Checkbox that allows to upload AWB series if manifest generation is offline otherwise leave it blank.

Check only if manifest generation is off line. Keep this option unchecked in case of real time manifest generation. Manifest (offline/real-time) can be selected in the Configure API Details tab.


Is Active

Check this option to mark the transporter active. It is a mandatory field.

The transporter cannot be used if it is not marked active.


Tracking hour

Free text field used for any number of hours less than 24 hours to check the shipment with the transporter.

6 hours is the ideal time and is also the default value.


Dimensional Factor

Optional free text field used to calculate the dimensional weight of the shipment.

The volume of the shipment is divided by Dimensional Factor to determine the shipment’s dimensional weight, which is then further used to calculate the shipment rates. It is an optional field.


Trans Type*

Dropdown to be selected either as “Courier” or “Own Fleet”. It is a mandatory field.

In B2C cases, select “Courier” as the default Trans type.

In B2B cases, this field is more relevant.



Contact Details

Mandatory fields

a. Address 1

b. Address 2

c. Country

d. State

a & b. Free text field to update the correct address 


c. & d. Dropdown boxes to select the correct City & State information

Address1, Address2, Country, and State are mandatory, and must be filled before further configuration.

2. (e-m)

Other fields like:

Address 3, Address 4, Phone, Alternate Phone, Fax, Email, Alternate Email, City & Pin code 

Optional fields to update the required information

These are optional fields to provide other contact information.


User Defined Fields

The user may also add up to 5 custom defined fields for their use in the User Defined Field tab. All these fields are optional.

Configure API Details

Configure the following as needed:




AWB Generation Type

It is a drop down list to select the type of AWB number generation.
 NOTE: When selecting Off Line Manifest, the Upload AWB Series must be checked as well.

Enter the following accordingly:

1. Off Line Manifest - The AWB numbers are already acquired beforehand from DTDC, and saved in Vin e-Retail database. These AWB numbers are then used to track order status of the shipment.

2. Real Time Manifest - The AWB numbers are received from DTDC when the manifest (booking) details are sent through API. Tracking of the order status of the shipment is done through the AWB number generated by Transporter.

Exchange / Replacement Order Support

This check box is used to enable the product exchange / replacement order support.

It is given in detail in a separate section.

Multi Box Support

This check box is used to allow Multi-box support for the transporter.

This option allows you to create a master tracking number that ties all included boxes with different child tracking numbers back to the master tracking number. This allows packages that cannot fit in a single box to be shipped and delivered together.

Country ISO Code

This text box is used to enter the country ISO code to be sent with manifest request.

These codes are the standard codes for every country defined by the International Organization for Standardization. In case of international transactions, a 2 or 3 digit code may be used for the country.

Send City Code

This check box is used to send city code with manifest request.

These are predefined set of city codes which are provided by the transporter.

Extended RefNo

This check box is used to receive the reference number for every shipment with a time stamp.

This feature can be used to make every reference number unique.

Create Return on RTO (WMS)

This option is used to create a return order for RTO (Return to Origin) made for any order created via the Warehouse Management System.


Create Return on RTO (SP)

This option is used to create a return order for RTO (Return to Origin) made for any order created via Seller Panel.


External Invoice

This option is used to generate the invoice provided by the B2B shipping partner.

This option is only relevant for B2B transporters. If left unchecked, then the system will generate the eRetail invoice.

External Shipping Label

This option is used to generate the shipping label provided by the B2B shipping partner.

This option is only relevant for B2B transporters. If left unchecked, then the system will generate the eRetail shipping label.

Applicable to B2B

This option is used to mark the shipping partner for use in B2B transactions.

This option is mandatory if the transporter must be used for B2B transactions.

Enable QR Generation

This option is used to allow the QR Code to be printed on the Invoice

Taxpayers having aggregate turnover of more than ₹500 crore require Dynamic QR Code on B2C invoice to avoid penalty.


Below screen will appear once the AWB generation type is selected with three tabs:

  1. Tracking API Details
  2. Manifest API Details
  3. Reverse Pickup API Details

Tracking API Details

Fill the details as per the information provided in the table.






Tracking API Details

It is a check box that enables Tracking API details

Tracking API is used to get the various statuses of an order, e.g. In Transit, Delivered, RTO, etc. 

Once this checkbox is clicked, the subsequent tabs will be enabled for allowing input.



This field is used to enter the username to authenticate the tracking API request

It is provided by DTDC.



This field is used to enter the password to authenticate the tracking API request

It is provided by DTDC.


Manifest API Details

Fill the details as per the information provided in the table.






Manifest API Details

It is a check box that enables Manifest API details

Manifest API is mainly used to inform the transporter of the pickup location and the delivery location.

Once this checkbox is clicked, the subsequent tabs will be enabled for allowing input.


Customer Code

This field is used to enter the customer code to authenticate the manifest request

This code is provided by DTDC.



This field is used to enter the API Key to authenticate the manifest request

This key is provided by DTDC.



This field is used to signify whether the owner or the carrier is insured in the contract with DTDC.

The value should be entered according to the DTDC contract. Enter “Y” if the owner / carrier is insured, otherwise enter “N”.


Commodity Id

This field is used to enter the content name of the consignment

The value can be “Laptop”, “Mobile”, etc. If left blank, a default value is passed.


Load Type

The field is used to define the load type of the consignment

The value can be “Document” or “Non-Document”.


Service Type

This field is used to enter the service type of DTDC. The value entered in this field will become the default value for all the shipments. There is an option to select a different service in case the contract is made with multiple services.

For the B2C business module, the value can be “B2C Priority”, “B2C Smart Express”, and “B2C Ground Economy”. The value entered here must be according to the DTDC contract.


Reverse Pickup API Details

Fill the details as per the information provided in the table.






Reverse Pickup API Details

It is a check box that enables Reverse Pickup API details.

Reverse PickUp API is used to send any special instruction for picking up shipment from customers in case of returns.

Once this checkbox is clicked, the subsequent tabs will be enabled for allowing input.


Customer Code

This field is used to enter the customer code to authenticate the manifest request

This code is provided by DTDC.



This field is used to enter the API Key to authenticate the manifest request

This key is provided by DTDC.



This field is used to signify whether the owner or the carrier is insured in the contract with DTDC.

The value should be entered according to the DTDC contract. Enter “Y” if the owner / carrier is insured, otherwise enter “N”.


Commodity Id

This field is used to enter the content name of the consignment

The value can be “Laptop”, “Mobile”, etc. If left blank, a default value is passed.


Load Type

The field is used to define the load type of the consignment

The value can be “Document” or “Non-Document”.


Service Type

This field is used to enter the service type of DTDC. The value entered in this field will become the default value for all the shipments for reverse manifest.

The value entered here must be according to the DTDC contract.