Vin eRetail ERP Integration Guide

Scope and Overview

Vin eRetail is a SaaS based Order Management (OMS) and Warehouse Management (WMS) software. It captures and fulfils the Orders from various sales channel and manage inbound, Inventory management and Outbound in Warehouse locations.  This document contains information on how a third-party ERP system, or an ERP Middleware can connect to Vinculum eRetail APIs and get all the required data to have a logical integration.Typically, ERP requires sales, returns, Goods Receiving, purchase return and inventory adjustments data from an OMS and WMS. Source of Master data is usually the ERP, and the masters are pushed to the OMS/WMS. API based Integration can be achieved using the following approaches:


  1. ERP/ERP Partner is integrating with OMS/WMS using the latter’s APIs
  2. OMS/WMS integrates with the ERP using ERP APIs
  3. Both the parties work together and push data into other’s APIs
  4. Middleware integrates with both the systems APIs and get them connected


In this document, we will see how ERP/ERP Partner/Middleware can connect to Vin eRetail APIs and achieve the integration. 


Integration Touchpoints:




Touchpoints include Master data (SKU, SKU Barcode, Vendor and Customer), transactional data involving inventory change like Sales, Returns, GRN, Stock Transfers, Purchase Returns, and Inventory adjustments. Master data source can be either ERP (in most cases) or Vinculum. 


SKU/Product/Article Integration

SKU Master can be present in either of the systems. Vinculum has unique SKU code for each product/SKU/Article/Variant and it a unique code will only be needed to identify or create SKUs in Vin eRetail.

  • SKU Creation in Vin eRetail 

There are three ways to create SKUs in eRetail

1. SKU Push from ERP to eRetail Using the SKU Create and Update APIs available at:

Using the APIs, Client/Partner can push/update the catalogue/SKUs to Vin-eRetail. (API credentials will be shared separately). 


SKU Create -

SKU Update -


2. If the Partner/Client wants to manage the SKUs manually, He/she can create the SKUs in Vin-eRetail using the SKU create/Edit screen or using SKU Import Bulk upload file. 


3. If the Client/Partner is using Vin-CMS for Catalogue management, then Vin-CMS is the source of SKU. Whenever the SKU is created in Vin-CMS, Vin-CMS Push the same to Vin-eRetail. 



  • SKU Push in ERP from Vin eRetail

If the SKU Source is Vin eRetail then the SKU information can be pulled using the below API –


SKU Detail Pull -


SKU Barcode/UPC Integration

SKU can be linked to multiple barcodes and these barcodes can be maintained in eRetail. Barcodes can be created using Create SKU Barcode API –

Create SKU Barcode – 


If the SKU Barcode source is Vin eRetail, primary barcode (UPC) can be fetched from SKU Detail pull API –


Vendor/Supplier Integration

Vendor master creation can be present in either of the system. If it is present in ERP, vendors are pushed to Vin eRetail or else the Vendor data is fetched from Vin eRetail

Vendor Creation in Vin eRetail

Vendor can be created in eRetail using two ways

  1. Vendor create API can be used to create Vendor –

  1. Vendor can be created directly from eRetail screen and Bulk Import using Excel

Vendor Details Pull from Vin eRetail

Vendor details can be fetched via API if the Vendor is created in eRetail and sent to ERP –

Vendor SKU Linking

If SKU is linked to multiple vendors, vendor SKU mapping API can be used to maintain the Vendor SKU linking in eRetail

Vendor SKU Mapping API –


Note: Primary vendor can be directly linked or updated using the SKU creation/update APIs and can be fetched using the SKU Detail API. Above SKU Vendor linking can be used to maintain Multiple Vendor linking with the SKU. However, there is no API to fetch Secondary Vendor-SKU linking from eRetail


Customer Integration

B2B Customers master can be present in either of the systems. B2C Customers are present in Vinculum and can be fetched by ERP if needed. 

Customer creation in Vin eRetail –

  1. Using API

  1. Customers can also be created using Vin eRetail Customer creation screen


Customer Fetch from Vin eRetail 

Customer Information can be fetched from Vin eRetail if the B2B Customer Master is created in vinculum or B2C customer needs to be sent to ERP separately as master.

Customer fetch API –

Note: Customer master sync to ERP may not be needed as customer information is already present with order details. It is only needed if complete master also needs to be maintained in ERP.


Section Note: If the masters are updated in Bulk using API, System will respond back with Request ID. Request ID can be called using Request Status Check API to know the Status of the Bulk API Push.

Request Status Check API -



PO/ASN Integration

Purchase order (PO) or Advance Shipping Notice (ASNs) are the documents against which receiving can be done at the warehouse. They can be raised from either of the systems and they may need to be maintained in both the systems. Typically, there is no need of PO/ASN to be present in ERP, only GRN (Goods received note) information must be pushed to ERP.

PO/ASN Creation in Vin eRetail

PO/ASN Can be created in eRetail in two ways – 

  1. PO/ASN Creation via API – PO/ASN can be created using API if the PO/ASN needs to be pushed from ERP

PO Create API –

ASN Create API –

  1. PO/ASN can be created from the Vin eRetail screen or bulk imported using excel

Note: ASN can also be created against a PO, and both can be maintained.


PO/ASN Cancellation in Vin eRetail

If the PO/ASN is created in eRetail using API/Screen, it can also be cancelled using API/screen

PO Cancel API –

ASN Cancel API –


PO/ASN fetch from Vin eRetail 

If the PO/ASN is initiated in Vin eRetail. The PO/ASN information can be fetched from Vin eRetail using PO/ASN Pull APIs

PO detail Pull API –


ASN detail Pull API –


Inbound against PO/ASN/Direct Integration

Receiving can be done in the warehouse against PO/ASN or directly against the vendor. Once the receiving is done, the information is pushed to the ERP via API.

Inbound detail fetch API –

The above API can be used to fetch inbounds against POs/ASNs/Vendor/Inbound


Purchase/Vendor Return Integration

Purchase returns are done when items are returned to the vendor due to any reason. These transactions are synced with ERP using the RTV (Return to Vendor) Pull API.

RTV details Fetch API –

 ERP can pull the transactions of required statuses (Partially Shipped, Shipped) using the API.

Note:   In some cases, RTV might get initiated from the ERP. In such cases RTV can be created using RTV Create API-

Once RTV is created and processed, the RTV shipment can be updated back using RTV Detail API

Stock Transfers

Stock Transfer (STO) Integration

When goods need to be transferred from one warehouse location to other, the same information needs to be synced with ERP. 

Stock transfer information can be fetched from Vinculum using STO Detail API

Note: If the stock transfers are created and managed from ERP. STO Create and Cancel APIs can be used to create and cancel transfers. And then STO detail can be used to fetch back the information once the STO is processed. 

STO Create –


STO Cancel –


Inventory Operations

Inventory Adjustment Integration

Various inventory operations are performed in the warehouse but only adjustments cause inventory to increase or decrease. These adjustments are synced with ERP using the Adjustment detail API

Note:  Inventory is maintained SKU Wise in the ERP Systems as there are no Zones and bins required. 


Inventory Reconciliation 

Inventory can be reconciled between both the systems at regular intervals to avoid inventory mismatch. This is optional and can be done if Inventory must match every time across the systems and reporting is needed.

ERP can fetch latest inventory details per SKU using SKU Inventory fetch API and update in its system.  API details are provided in the below link, it will provide SKU Location wise Inventory data

Sales Orders

Sales orders are captured and processed from the OMS/WMS system. Generally, ERP requires Sales Invoices from the OMS system to capture the sales. Few ERPs may also require the Order details as a precursor to the sales invoice.


Sales Order Details 

Fetch Order details from Vin eRetail 

Order details can be fetched using eRetail Order Pull API. It gives information about all the sales orders that have been places via all sales channels in OMS. Order Pull API –


Sales Invoice Details

Fetch Sales Invoice from Vin eRetail

Order Invoice API is used to fetch the order invoice details from Vin-eRetail. That includes the tax details, Invoice No. Of Vin-eRetail and the invoice No. of the external system/Marketplace.


If the ERP requires more details on Shipping like transporter details, transit information etc. Shipment detail API can be used to fetch such information –


B2B Orders Created in ERP

There can be a scenario where B2B or any specific orders are being created in the ERP. ERP can then push such Orders in Vinculum using Order Create API –

Bulk –


The order can be tracked using Order Status API –

and Orders can be cancelled using Order Cancel API

Invoices can then be fetched from the order invoice API mentioned above.


Returns are initiated from the sales channels and processed in OMS/WMS. Once processed Return Invoices are synced with the ERP System.

 Return Details

Sales Return details can be fetched from Sales Return fetch API of Vin eRetail –


Return Created in ERP

There might be a scenario where B2B returns are initiated from ERP. In such cases, Return Create API can be used to create return in eRetail and above Return detail can be used to track the return orders.

Return Create API –


Chart Of Accounts

Chart of Accounts can be maintained in eRetail and pushed to ERP whenever ERP APIs are used. But in case of eRetail APIs there is no provision of Ledger Codes or accounts. If required, this has to be handled in ERP or in a custom manner.