Seller Order Notification

  1. We need to subscribe to notifications through “Web Hook Register” screen. refer screenshot.
    a. Choose the vendor/seller
    b. Payload type: Partial/ Full. Full payload we always receive full payload of order
    c. Events/Status (Pending, Confirmed, Cancelled, Ready for Ship, Shipped, Intransit, Delivered..etc). Which is equivalent to “doc_status” in request pay load. We can leave it blank to receive notification all events
    d. API Category we must choose order
    c. If any information we need pass in header needs to define header.
  2. URL, to send notification. We can pass authentication key in URL if required.”

  3. Full Payload
    a. Please refer json for full payload
    b. “full_Payload” refers to “”get order api of seller panel. “”
  4. Partial Payload
    a. Please refer json for partial payload
  5. Other Events (Hold/ Unhold), - Future Roadmap
  6. System will re-push notification, five times (configurable) at a interval of 15 mins (configurable) if other system is down or send status other than 200. Manual force push anyways will be available