How do you know if the channel connector is broken?

Many times, users do not understand that why there is no order coming on Vin-eRetail from the marketplaces or may be the inventory is not getting pushed or order is not getting processed. To understand the root cause of why a particular channel has stopped functioning, Vin-eRetail has provided a feature “Channel Connector.” 

This field is provided on the top right corner of the e-retails window screen. 


Whenever there is an issue in the channel connection, this connector will show you notification of the error. A snapshot of such error is given below.


1. User can fix the issue at his end: Whenever any notification is shown by the channel connector, and if the user can understand the root cause, can fix it at his end, then the user must fix it. Upon fixing the error, the process flow will start running smoothly. Below are the main reasons for this broken connector:

(i) Marketplace credentials are wrong, or

(ii) Marketplace credentials are expired after certain time


2. User does not understand or fix the issue at his end: If the notification error shown by the channel connector is not clear to user OR he does not know how to correct it then, the user must lock an issue at customer support team and get it corrected immediately.