Force pull order

About Force pull order

In e-commerce, every order is bound with SLAs provided by the marketplaces and it is very important to process them timely else penalty will be imposed on the sellers/brands for not processing the orders on time.

However, because of Product does not exist in Vin-eRetail or any other reason, sometimes the orders placed on marketplace do not reflect on in-eRetail.


Causes of Order creation failure: 

At first, lets understand the causes of Order creation failure one by one.

1. Marketplace API is down

2. Order got Failed as SKU is not created

3. Order got Failed as Channel SKU is not mapped with eRetail SKU

4. Order failed and remained on failed order screen for 5 days

5. Data issues e.g., address exceeds the common limit. Example: Customer put the address of thousand characters.

How to view Failed orders?

1. To view failed orders, Client has to login to Vin e-retails and go to Sales> Order Enquiry screen


2.  In the second tab, client can see the failed orders.


Note: Client can also view the failed order with the help of Order number, Channel Order ID, Order Type, Order detail, Order duration or Status.


3. To view all the failed order for a client, click on “Failed order” and hit “Search” action button at the top of the screen. It will give details of all the failed orders channel wise.


4.  The issue description will share the reason why a particular order is failed.


a. If the Order is failed as the SKU is not created in Vin-eRetail.

In this scenario, the client must create the SKU for which the order was placed on the marketplace. The SKU can be created from the SKU master. After creating the SKU, select the order from the “Failed order” list and hit “Forcepull Order” button at the top.


In the next few minutes, the order will be removed from the failed orders screen.

b. If the Order is failed as SKU is not mapped with the channel

In this scenario the SKU is created but is not mapped with the Channel. For mapping the channel pls look at the FAQ series – How to do SKU mapping.

d. Data issues: These are uncommon errors but it can occur if any customer has provided some data points that are not supported by Vin-eRetail. Let us take an example of Address section in Vin-eRetail.  There are 4 address lines provided in Vin-eRetail (each line has max of 200 data limit and total 800 characters data limit). If the customer provides some instructions or may be add some emojis etc and the data limits exceed the said limit of Vin-eRetail address section; then the order will not get created.

In this scenario, the user must go and correct the data on the marketplace or contact Vin-eRetail helpdesk.


What if the order does not reflect in Failed order screen?

If the user/client does not correct the failed order on “failed order screen” within 5 days, the order will disappear from the failed order list. But doing Force order pull from this screen, the client must correct the error because of which the order has failed e.g., SKU creation, SKU mapping or correction of Data on marketplace.

1. Go to Admin section> Force Order Pull screen


2. Client must select the marketplace in the “Location” drop down and the Channel order number which is not reflecting on Vin-eRetail to initiate force order pull.


Important Note: Before initiating a force order pull from this screen, the reason must be corrected for a failed order e.g. SKU creation or SKU mapping or data issues. Otherwise, the force pull order will be failed.


3. Hit “Save” button. The order will be pulled successfully.