About SKU Channel Link:

SKU Channel link in Vin-eRetail allows the user to map the Marketplace listings with Vin-eRetail SKU Listing.

User can Map the Vin-eRetail SKU with Marketplace SKU also known as “Channel SKU” and Marketplace Product Id/Serial No./Variant Id, also known as “Channel product Id”.

 SKU Channel Link allows the user to perform the below operations:

  1. Create Channel linking between Marketplace SKU/Webshop SKU with Vin-eRetail SKU.
  2. Update Channel Product Id.
  3. Update Channel Price (Applicable to Webshops where price sync is done using Vin
  4. Update Buffer Stock at SKU Channel Mapping.
  5. Update Status of the SKU Channel Mapping.
  6. Delete a SKU Channel Mapping.
  7. Update Picking Instructions of that SKU.


SKU Channel Mappings using SKU Pull

Vin-eRetail have the provision of SKU Pull using which the SKUs created on Webshops/Marketplaces will be pulled in Vin-eRetail automatically.

To enable this Use please navigate to the below options:


Sales > Manage Channels >Channel Create/Edit >Channel SKU



User can choose Pull to Pull the SKUs from the channel to Vin-eRetail.

In SKU pull the user is given with two options:

  • Create
  • Moderate

CREATE: In create Mode, All the SKU will be pulled from that channel and created on the Vin-eRetail using some predefined SKUs Create configuration.

MODERATE: In moderate mode, only the Channel SKU, Channel Product Id’s of that channel will get pulled and then mapped with the Vin-eRetail’s SKU Id’s. 

If the SKUs created on channel and SKUs created on Vin-eRetail both are same, then system will do the mappings automatically.

If the SKUs created on channel and SKUs created on Vin-eRetail both are different, then it will be visible to the user under Un-mapped SKUs screen as mentioned in the screenshot below:



Using the “Link” Button, user can link the Channel SKU and Channel Product id with Vin-eRetail SKU one by one.


To do Bulk Mappings, user can download the export of Un-mapped SKUs screen, set correct Vin-eRetail SKU in Eretail SKU Column, and import the data in SKU Channel Link Screen using the SKU Channel Link Import Template.


SKU Channel link Create/Update for Individual SKU 

 Create SKU Channel Mapping

This section enables the user to link the Channel SKUs and Product Id with the SKUs on Vin-eRetail. 

ACTION BUTTONS: Action buttons are present on Top right-hand corner of the screen.

1. Add New: User will use this to add the new SKU to the channel Link. User will have to fill in the below fields to add a new record. This allows user to add SKU details manually.

Note: Channel, Vin-eRetail SKU, Channel SKU, and Status are the mandatory fields.

2. Search: Clicking on the search button without entering any filter criterion will populate the list of all the sales channel whether active or inactive. User can further narrow down the search by using filter options: Channel code and Channel name.

3. Advance Search: Search all the SKUs that are in active or inactive status.

4. Reset: Reset button will refresh the filter fields to default settings, i.e., to an initial state to start fresh search.
 5. Export: To download and export the displayed search results in the form of CSV. 

Update Existing SKU Channel Mapping Individually

It enables user to Update an already created SKU channel link or mark a record as active to update the inventory Push for that SKU against that channel.



Go to “Sales >SKU Channel Listing.” 


There are three tabs on the SKU Channel Listing Screen.

Tab 1: SKU/Link Search Channel

This section will display search results of the SKU mapping on different marketplaces. Here user can select the sales channel for which user is interested to view SKU–channel mapping details like Channel SKU, Product ID etc. and can update the same as per requirement.

In SKU Channel Link, using below fields you can narrow down your search results.

a. Channel – It is a dropdown box which shows a combination of Channel Code and Channel Name.

  • Channel Code - Channel code is the auto generated unique code by the system for each channel at the time of channel configuration.
  • Channel Name - Channel name is the name given by the user to the channel while creating the channel at the time of channel configuration.

b. Vin-eRetail SKU – SKU Code of the Brand/Brand Distributor/Seller.

c. SKU Description – Description assigned by the user basis the product info.

d. Channel SKU – SKU Information input by the user that can have different prefix or suffix to differential the SKU from one channel to another.

e. Channel Product ID – Product ID assigned by the user.

f. Channel Price – Price assigned by the user on the channel.

g. Picking Instructions – Picking Instructions by the user.

h. Status – Active or Inactive

i. Backorder Inventory – If the SKU is a Backorder Inventory

j – Upd Date – The date on which the SKU linking is updated.

k – Upd Button – Update Button to save the updated mappings.

Demo Example:

A. For individual SKU update on Channel 

1. Select the Channel e.g. Myntra 

All the SKUs linked with this channel will come to the display list. Now, either the user can choose the Product ID or Channel SKU ID that he wants to edit on this screen. OR 

The user can directly select the SKU to update the Channel SKU ID or Channel Product ID etc. and edit the details. 

The user can update the Price, Picking Instructions, Status (Active/Inactive) and update the button. The SKU details will be updated on the selected channel.


SKU Channel link Create/Update in Bulk

User can also add or Update the SKU channel link record in bulk from this section by importing the Excel SKU Channel Link Template. All the details that were mentioned on “Add New” action button are listed in the excel sheet. Also, it gives user an opportunity to perform various functions with SKUs like Create, update, or Remove.

User can download the CSV template and enter or copy/paste the details as per need.

Important Note: Do not change the pattern/format of the template. Max 5000 rows can be imported in an attempt of Import.


After entering the required details, User can save the file on the computer and give the path of file through “Choose File” tab and upload it.




Demo Examples

Example 1: If user wants to search unmapped SKUs from the SKU Name, he can put “cream” and the all the unmapped “cream” records will be displayed. User can click “Link” button and link it with the Vin-eRetail SKU created in the SKU Master.



Example 2: If user wants to search the unmapped SKUs from the Channel Name, he can put the “Channel Name” and all the unmapped records will be displayed. User can click “Link” button and link the records with Vin-eRetail SKU created in the SKU Master.


Example 3: If user wants to search the specific unmapped SKU from the Seller SKU ID, he can also put the specific details in the fields. After that, user can click the “Link” button and link the item with the Vin-eRetail SKU.


Example 4: If user wants to search the specific unmapped SKU from the Seller SKU ID, he can also put the specific details in the fields. After that, user can click the “Link” button and link the item with the Vin-eRetail SKU.


Example 5: User can click on “Export” action tab and take out the details of the SKUs in the excel sheet. User can then copy these details to the “SKU Channel/Link Import” excel sheet and provide the Vin-eRetail SKU data. When user upload the sheet in the tab, the SKU records will be mapped in bulk.

Export File


Upload the records by clicking “import” on “SKU Channel/Link Import.” The data will be imported directly and will be removed from Unmapped SKU screen.