Amazon MFN

About Amazon, Inc., is an American multinational technology company based in Seattle, Washington. Amazon is the world's largest online marketplace, AI assistant provider, live-streaming platform and cloud computing platform as measured by revenue and market capitalization. 

Amazon Marketplace allows sellers to resell used and new items. Amazon is the largest Marketplace globally and operated in 5 continents i.e. Asia (India, Middle East Asia, Singapore, China, Japan), UK (France, Italy Spain), Russia, America (US, Canada, Mexico), Australia.

Models of Amazon

1. Merchant Fulfilled Network or Amazon MFN or Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM)

  1. Amazon Easy Ship (Ship by Amazon Logistics)
  2. Amazon Self Ship (Ship by Seller Own Logistics)
  3. Amazon B2B (Customers having GSTIN)


2. Amazon AFN or Amazon fulfilled network

  1. Amazon FBA or Fulfilled by Amazon
  2. Amazon Flex 

In this document, we will discuss about Vin E-retail integration with Amazon MFN*

MFN simply refers to sellers shipping their own products directly from their own homes, businesses, or warehouses after receiving orders through This means that locating the stock, packing the orders, arranging the shipping, and providing all customer service is the direct responsibility of the seller.

* Amazon Flex and Amazon FBA integrations are discussed in separate documents 


Vin E-Retail Integration with amazon MFN

Amazon MFN is a single warehouse-based integration. If the client has multiple warehouses, it must choose the Amazon Flex program for Multi Warehousing or create the “Multiple seller accounts” for each warehouse through MFN Model 3.

Amazon integration with Vin-eRetail is a pure API-based integration. There are some APIs that are SYNC known as MWS (Marketplace Web Service) and some APIs are not synced that are known as Feeds.

Amazon orders have an SLA of 24-48 hours in most cases. (a rare case where the SLA is more than 48 hours). So technically Amazon integration is one of the most complicated integration.

In this integration model, we support the below features: -

1. SKU Pull 

2. Order Pull and Create 

3. Order Pack i.e. Invoice/Ship Label document generation 

4. Order Shipment

 5. Inventory Sync and Inventory Push (both single and multi-location) 

6. Inventory Reconciliation 

7. Order Return Pull 

8. Order cancellation Push


Below mentioned are mandatory requirements for Amazon MFN Channel Configuration.

  1. Merchant ID
  2. Marketplace ID
  3. MWS Access key or Secret Key OR MWS Auth Token
  4. Panel ID (User ID on seller central)
  5. Panel ID Password (Password on seller central)
  6. Developer ID (073980952359 for India)
  7. Developer Name (vinculum)


Process to Generate MWS Access Key:

1. Login on  or any other country domain link. (Example for Amazon US it is


2. Enter the Username and Password.

3. Approve Notification and enter OTP details.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

4. Go to “Settings” and select “User Permissions” as mentioned in the screenshot below.


5. Click on "Visit Manage your Apps" under the "Third-party Developer and Apps" section.

6. Click on the “Authorize new Developer” Button.


7. Enter the Developer name and Developer ID as per the information provided below:

  1. Developer Id is: 073980952359; Developer name:  vinculum (For India, UK, MEA, Japan, and other countries except for the US and Australia)
  2. Developer Id: 18802594138; Developer name:  vinculum (US)

*Developer ID and Developer name should not be with any space and Developer name should be in small caps always. 

8. Once the Developer Name and Developer Id is entered, we will click on the “Next” Button, Merchant Id (Seller ID), MWS Token, and Marketplace Id will be generated. 

* These IDs are confidential and hence cannot be shown in this document.


Once all the above IDs are gathered, open your vin e-retail instance (ERP)


a. Go to “Manage Channels”


b. Go to the top right-hand side of the window and click on “Add New.”


c. Select the “Amazon India” window from the list.



d. After selecting the correct Amazon Channel option, below “Channel Maintenance” window will appear.



e. Fill in all the details like Channel Name, order Source WH, Order Sync from date, Return Sync from Date, Inventory Sync Method, Enable Inventory Reconciliation, etc. 

f. Click on “Configuring Interface.” 

g. There are 3 different Channel configuration windows as per the location (India, UAE, and US & other countries)

Amazon UAE

Amazon US, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Australia, Mexico 


Amazon India


 h. Enter the details 

(i) Seller ID = Merchant ID (Mandatory)

(ii) Access Key= MWS Access Key (Confidential), If the client is registered on Vinculum’s Developer ID, then enter the default value as “_”

(iii) Secret Key = MWS Secret Key (Confidential); If the client is registered on Vinculum’s Developer ID, then enter the default value as “_”

(iv) Marketplace ID = MWS Marketplace Id for India i.e. A21TJRUUN4KGV

*For rest countries, look at the table at the end.

(v) MWS Token = MWS token is generated during Seller ID.

(vi) Panel User Id (Mandatory): Login Username of Amazon Seller central. 

(vii) Panel Password (Mandatory): Panel password of Amazon Seller central.  

(viii)  NO SLOT ON SUNDAY:  To avoid assigning the pickup slot on Sunday. Please pass the value as 1 else 0. 

(ix) Need Invoice: To Fetch the Invoice for Amazon Easy ship order. Set this to YES always. If the user selects the “Need invoice” as NO, no invoice will be pulled from Amazon to Vin e-Retail.

(x) Enable Easy ship (Mandatory): For Indian Clients, this should be set to YES always.

* If the user selects this as “NO,” it requires him to click on the Channel connection status window and login via OTP. (This login via OTP does not guarantee whether the Ship labels will be generated successfully or not.)

For other countries, the Marketplace Id is mentioned below:

Table 1. North America region


Country code

Amazon MWS Endpoint

Marketplace Id














Table 2. Europe region


Country code

Amazon MWS Endpoint

Marketplace Id

United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.)



























Saudi Arabia










Table 3. Far East region


Country code

Amazon MWS Endpoint

Marketplace Id











Enable Tracking No. Pull (Optional): For Indian Clients running on Easyship mode. Amazon has tracking No. The report sometimes takes a little longer than expected so we have put the tracking No. on a config present in Backend. (Support or Account Manager must Set the UDF5=1 of Locationext Table to enable the Tracking No. Pull). The user must get in touch with the Account manager to get this enabled.

Channel Maintenance

Channel Maintenance setup helps the seller to reduce manual intervention and avoid the multiple usages of the marketplace seller portal. With the selection of below options at the Channel Maintenance window, (Sales > Manage Channels > Add New > Select Amazon MFN) user gets the advantage of using multiple features of Vin E-retail:


Where to Click on Channel Maintenance

Order Pull/

Order Pack/


Order Shipment/

Shipping label generation

Orders >
Order Sync >
Order Pull: The user can choose to sync the order from the channel to e-Retail by managing this option. If this is disabled, the Order pull will not happen also the shipping label/Invoice and manifest will not get generated.
Order Return
Orders >

Return Order Sync

Users can click this option to sync Return Orders. 

Important Note: In Return Pull Services, the “Return” is always created in Confirmed status.     Users need to do an inbound from Return Inbound functionality available on the Application.

Prefetch Shipment Label
Orders >
PrePack Enabled checkbox

PrePack Enabled: The user can enable prepack for the order from here. To avoid delay in Order processing and Shipment fulfilled with in a provided SLA, we have a feature to pull Flipkart shipment Label and Invoice at the same time of picklist generation instead of during Pack Call. To use this functionality, we just need to enable the Prepack checkbox available under the Channel Configuration setup screen and the user needs to click on Prefetch deliveries during the pending picklist status available on the Picklist enquiry screen.

Ready to Ship Status at
Orders > Ready to ship at

Users can choose to mark the status of ready to ship at any of the two events:

-at Manifest


-at Pack

Use Market Place Shipping Label
Orders > Use Marketplace Shipping label checkbox

Users can check this option to notify the Shipping label by the marketplace and then opt from the Shipment label dropbox.

Inventory update
Inventory > Inventory Sync

If selected "Yes" from the dropdown box, it automatically pulls and updates the inventory

Inventory Reconciliation
Inventory > Enable Inventory Recon

For Amazon, our system reconciles the entire inventory once daily to avoid any discrepancy other than the normal inventory push that happens on a transaction basis. To use this functionality, we need to enable Inventory Recon as ‘Yes’ available under the Amazon channel configuration.

Additional Key Information:

1. Orders have an SLA of 24-48 hours in most of the cases (rare cases where the SLA is more than 48 hours. 

2. Orders are Pulled to Vin e-Retail in “Pending”, “Un-Shipped status.” Vin e-Retail pulls the pending orders of Amazon to reserve the inventory against them and to avoid pending stock orders. 

3. For Pending Orders, no customer information is available in orders. Once the order is confirmed on Amazon and moved to Un-Shipped status. We pull the same and update the order status as “Allocated” (depending upon the inventory availability. 

4. Channel Mappings: The Merchant SKU code of Amazon should be mapped in ChannelSKUcode of Vin e-Retail and ASIN needs to be mapped in ChannelProductId. We also have the provision available for SKU Pull. 

5. For Geographies other than India, UAE, and KSA, Amazon operates in Self Ship mode i.e. Seller must ship the orders using its own logistics. The client must input the correct dimensions at the time of Order Pack or Prefetch. If the Weight and dimensions are not correct. The order will not be packed or packed with wrong dimensions and hence wrong Shipping charges will be calculated. This must be taken care at the time of Order Pack.

Here Seller generated invoice and shipping label is used. Also, at the Shipment of the order in ERP, we update the transporter Name, Tracking No. and Status on Amazon.

6. Amazon Shipping label Generation has 8-9 API calls/Feeds and since these are async calls and have throttling limits of 30 calls per hour. That is why we have scheduled the Order pack time every 6 minutes. Once the order is packed in Vin e-Retail, the order status changed to Waiting for Pick-Up on amazon in case of Easy ship orders (Ship by Amazon Case).

7. Inventory sync in Amazon is also an async process. Firstly, we must submit the Feed to amazon. Once the feed is submitted, the inventory Sync status is changed to Submitted. (MP inventory log) Once the Feed is processed successfully, the status is updated to Success on the MP Inventory log screen, and the inventory gets updated on Amazon Website.


Common Issues in Amazon Integration

1. Error: ‘No Slot available due to incorrect weight and dimensions.’ This occurred because the seller/client have packed the orders by passing incorrect weight or dimensions. This needs to be corrected first so that the order will get packed.

2. Error: Feed Submission Results not ready. This error comes If and only If the label generation is in progress on Amazon. It will take 6-10 minutes for the label to gets generated.

3. Error: Weight of dimension cannot be zero. This error comes If and only If the client has input 0 weight or 0 dimensions manually.

4. Error: This order is not allowed to be re-scheduled. This error comes If and only If the order is processed from the seller panel before processing it from Vin-eRetail or some internal (Support or account manager) have re-fetched this order label from the backend. 

5. Error: Duplicate entries suppressed. This error comes because the SKU is passed twice in the Amazon Inventory Push request sent from Vin-eRetail to Amazon. In actuality, this is not an issue but an alert informing that the same SKU inventory request has already been submitted. 

6. Error: Listing not present on Amazon. This error comes because the SKU is not available on Amazon for which the seller is trying to push the inventory. In this case, the seller must correct the mappings.